Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
When Invasion first rolled out, I saw mostly Elites win and now the pendulum has swung the other way since people figured out what to do.
I've been pretty disappointed with Bungie's stab at progressive objectives. It doesn't seem like you have a whole lot of options in each given phase. I find myself doing the same things over and over and it's getting pretty boring. This type of thing has just been done better in other games. The only thing that's new that I really like is the concept of the single buddy. It's both more balanced and more inclusive than traditional squad systems. Although, it sucks getting stuck with someone who is AFK.
By the way, it's complete bullshit that each fire team is assigned a spawn location.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Genny defense is ok, generators need more HP/DR keep killin them too fast
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Generator Defense can be laggggggy which can be bad. It's alright. Nothing to special other then the fact elites get to the weapons drop about 94% of the time. And I hate how a sword can take out a generator in a few melee's and the Spartan Laser doesn't do worth crap or rockets :/
Also the machine gun turret know just fires, no winding up slowly fire.
Meh it's a Beta, I hope to see some better fixes and such in the retail.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Plus the generators are glitched, game I played with masters and shadowspartan, the spartans were able to lock down the generator like 5 seconds after it JUST came out of lockdown.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Actually I think the cooldown time is around 3-5 seconds. Definitely needs to be increased.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
yeah, found out PP works wonders against the gennys, overcharge takes a nice chunk of its health out, shame rockets dotn do more and that turret just rips through a generator's health like crazy
also got a quitters ban cause i was last guy on my team who was actually there (other two rage quitted very first round)
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Since they're not keeping this gametype, I wouldn't have expected it to be polished at all, but its kind of fun
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
I didn't read anything that said they're not keeping this gametype.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The whole point of it is to test the campaign netcode
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
It's not a real gametype and it's not a real map. They hacked that space out of the campaign. Whereas the real multiplayer maps were hacked INTO the campaign.
I could see them bringing generator-defending into Invasion, though.