Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Meh, I've read the manga up to the latest chapter translated, and most of the anime. I really do not see whats so good about it. The dialogue is rather awful and the storyline isn't even that great. It is one of the most intense series I've followed though. The ending in the manga is much more concluding and about a thousand times more depressing.
(That was what happened at the end of the latest chapter (103 of 107) so its pretty close to the ending)
In other words: :smith:
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
SHIIIT. That sounds like a great ending.
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Its probably going to be rather :smith: though.
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
ja. Really great show though.
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Originally Posted by
No need to worry. Code Geass R2 is beyond epic. Jelly would you like to see the new Guren?
R2 is what I was talking about :3
EDIT: Just remembered that I finished Black Lagoon on Holiday.
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Its a very dark, realistic, and sci-fi-y anime. Explaining it via synopsis would not do it justice, just give it a trial run and watch the first episode.
Its hard to find for whatever reason, except I struck gold and found the complete series with subs streaming online. :D
Just a few important notes when watching it through that link:
1. Watch it in full screen or the ads at the bottom of the video will cover up the subtitles constantly.
2. The stream starts at the last episode for some reason so just pick the first episode unless you want some big spoilers. ;)
Also, they used Paranoid Android by Radio Head for the ending song. :)
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
Cool thanks, I'll check it out, always open to new shows.
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
I meant its hard to find streaming online, so unless you want to spend a few days downloading, use that stream. :)
Re: (Unofficial) Modacity Otaku おたく Thread
It won't be days if it's Boxtorrents.