Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Originally Posted by
Slang for a mouse dedicated to gaming. In other words, not a cheap-ass mouse.
Well, this time I wanted something that would a. have a better cable than the Dell premium mouse I replaced and b. be comfortable. I don't know how I lived without this rubber coating before. Still, I feel like I could have used those extra rubbery sidings of the Deathadder 2013 on this mouse.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Originally Posted by
:\ I guess I wasted $50 then on my G400
Why? The G400 is amazing. Easily my favorite mouse, and I've used many far more expensive ones. The grip is absolutely perfect for the right-handed and the sensor is excellent. My MX-518 lasted me through 8+ years of hardcore gaming and the G400 is just an improved version of that.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
He's retarded if he thinks he wasted his money on the best made mouse of all time.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Logitech G5 is the bomb, had it for the past 6 years
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Setpoint is a Piece of shit. Therefore, G500 is a piece of Shit. The ergonomics are great, though.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
eh, i've never really used the software as it is crap. Windows' mouse settings are more than enough.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
I have the G500. Yeah I use default windows drivers, never messed with the other software.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
My bad, I meant the G500, not the G5.
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Attachment 3143
Last of the parts for this came in earlier today. My first build. I'm very pleased to actually have a computer that I can play a game on more than lowest of the low settings now! (location is temporary, need another desk)
Oh and the G400 is pretty nice.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks
CPU: AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core Processor ($119.99 @ Microcenter)
Motherboard: ASRock 970 Extreme3 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($89.98 @ Outlet PC)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($47.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($73.98 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Gigabyte Radeon HD 7870 2GB Video Card ($239.99 @ Microcenter)
Case: Cooler Master HAF 912 ATX Mid Tower Case ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Rosewill Hive 550W 80 PLUS Bronze Certified ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply ($67.04 @ Amazon)
Optical Drive: Samsung SH-224BB DVD/CD Writer ($22.98 @ Newegg)
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P 23.0" Monitor ($157.69 @ Amazon)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 (OEM) (64-bit) ($89.98 @ Outlet PC)
Keyboard: Microsoft SIDEWINDER X4 Wired Gaming Keyboard ($44.99 @ Newegg)
Mouse: Logitech G400 Wired Optical Mouse ($29.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $1034.59
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2013-02-01 06:38 EST-0500)