Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Great build. It's been a long while since I last saw someone do a true complete build with a monitor. Then again, I don't see any speakers in that build :P
Could have saved the $23 if you skipped on the optical drive unless you really need it. I've been optical drive free for 2 years :D Although, I'm contemplating getting a Blu-Ray reader since it's not always ideal to convince someone else that I need the TV to watch a movie I've already seen lol
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Yeah I didn't get any speakers...I was just thinking of getting a decent headset. If nothing else, I'll hook it up to the stereo in my room. Optical drive was a must for me. I burn (and rip) things every so often. And I used it for the Windows installation.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
That dell monitor was the best single £8 purchase made for this set up.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Windows 8 sucks because of its oversimplified interface.
It was designed for retards who dont know how to do more complicated things on their computer and don’t want customization. They just need really big buttons to slam their heads against so they can tard off to facebook. Also microsoft is trying to force you to use the cloud where all your personal data is now easy for the goverment to sift through and where you dont really have any controll over your games and programs because you have to pay to use. Think about all the times you have used your programs. Lets say you payed 50 for a game in the past and play it alot. Now you only have to pay per use with no initial fee. Think about it. You will end up having to pay 50c for every use and if you use it 1000 times you will pay them 500 $ VS when you payed 50 dollers and got to play it as much as you wanted after. You are really stupid if you think that is a good idea. Also not everyone wants a computer that is always online, this means that most of those giant button apps for retards are useless.
I know it was designed for a tablet. My other points are valid. On that note I think people who dont realize that upright touch screens are a bad idea are morons. I mean think about it. With the mouse you can just leave your hand at rest on the desk and keybord. Whereas If you are using an upright touch screen you are always having your arms elevated. Over a normal period of time this will make your arms tired. Play a game or do some work with a touch screen for a few hours and you will see the issue.
Just because its newer does not mean its better.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Actually, Metro was designed to be a touch-friendly interface for devices that are inherently limited in capability, i.e. PMPs phones and consumer tablets (it was actually designed first for WP7 using ideas started with Zune). The only reason they are incapable, though, is because they use ARM-based processors and there is no real productivity software for systems using that architecture outside of office applications and even with that software, displays are either too low of a resolution or too small.
It's a fine idea, however they seem to think it can be a one-size-fits-all approach and that's not true, because the desktop OS is a mature platform while tablet-focused OS is not. And worse for them is that tablets are getting more and more capable every day, making those UI designs that were supposed to help circumvent shortcomings become increasingly obstructive. For some reason, everybody thinks tablets are incapable of having applications running simultaneously and/or in a windowed format. Metro's inability to do either of those things kills it as a serious contender.
Microsoft needs to go back to the drawing board and engineer a UI that is flexible enough to be implemented without much change across their entire size-spectrum of devices that also maintains the flexibility demanded by consumers and power users. Stitching Old and New together with a few lines of code is not the answer.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Originally Posted by
Invader Veex
Yeah I didn't get any speakers...I was just thinking of getting a decent headset. If nothing else, I'll hook it up to the stereo in my room. Optical drive was a must for me. I burn (and rip) things every so often. And I used it for the Windows installation.
USB installation is still, faster :P
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
Not desk pictures, but I dusked out the PC today and took some outdoor shots...

Lots of smudges because I gave up trying to keep it clean after my 5th or 6th LAN with it.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
That is one dirty computer you've got there.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
It's all just scuffs and shit that won't even come out anymore.
Edit: However the reason I took the pictures was two-fold. 1: Because I had everything apart and outside anway, and 2: 'Cause I plan to get some 6-pin PCI-E cable sleeve in the next couple of weeks and I wanted before/after pictures.
I guess I'll try and clean the case when I do my teardown and cable management when those come back in.
Re: Tell jcap to post his desk, and post yours too! [JCAP POST YOUR DESK]
why not get the nvidia edition of the CM690? that sticker is ugly lol