Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Not just sufficient biomass, but sufficient intelligence as well. The Flood collects that intelligence as well as the calcium deposits in order to create a Gravemind. To be honest though, I'd prefer if they had left the Flood as a mindless swarm of parasites...they are scarier that way.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I mean, shit. In Halo 1, the ring activations doesn't kill the Flood and in Halo 3 it does. If you can't keep something that simple straight, then what hope is there?
Better luck with the next IP, Bungie.
In the original, there was no Gravemind entity and I believe in 3 it was /the/ Gravemind that controlled most/all flood forces who was killed. Don't quote me on it, I don't remember exactly. Also; any flood on other rings are probably alive still.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
They re-wrote the Halo 2 engine after the E32003 demo, hth.
Bungie did not rewrite the engine after that demo. Since the game was released in 2004, that would give them a little over a year to completely rewrite an engine that had been in progress for years. That doesn't seem possible, and highly unlikely. Sure they rewrote parts of the engine, but not the whole thing. Get your facts straight.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Except that Gravemind managed to survive the first activation while on Delta Halo. Don't even get me started on the "biomass" and "sentience" floodification requirements. Arbitrary BS.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Except that Gravemind managed to survive the first activation while on Delta Halo. Don't even get me started on the "biomass" and "sentience" floodification requirements. Arbitrary BS.
Each individual ring only has a limited activation area. If one single ring could destroy all of the flood, then why would they build 7 AND the Ark?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Except that Gravemind managed to survive the first activation while on Delta Halo. Don't even get me started on the "biomass" and "sentience" floodification requirements. Arbitrary BS.
How is it arbitary?
Shadowspartan, in one of the documentaries either on the halo 3LE or halo 2LE they mention about having to rewrite alot of stuff because they felt they got back from E3 with less than they left with in the first place.
Wherther that means rewriting the engine or just the storyline or what im not sure off.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Doesn't matter if the Halos were designed to destroy the Flood themselves, the ring and the Ark blew up. Flood died either way.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Doesn't matter if the Halos were designed to destroy the Flood themselves, the ring and the Ark blew up. Flood died either way.
Wouldn't there be Flood storages on the other five rings?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Wouldn't there be Flood storages on the other five rings?
Yeah, but they were of no threat. They're just there minding their own business (I just used they're, their, and there in the same sentence, I am officially awesome) like they have been doing for the last tens of thousands of years. Only the flood from Delta Halo were an immediate threat. Most likely the UNSC nova-bombed the other Halos.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Each individual ring only has a limited activation area. If one single ring could destroy all of the flood, then why would they build 7 AND the Ark?
ALL the rings were activated 100,000 years ago. They're all supposed to fire in quasi unison. You activate one and the others "follow suit". Gravemind saw it all happen and lived to tell the tale. There's no reason to think he could have formed after the event. The Covenant had only just arrived at the installation.
Originally Posted by
How is it arbitary?
Our sentience can be traced to a small part of our brains, which is a common, if less developed feature of other higher mammal species. It's just a cluster of neurons that is configured in a specific way to perform a function. The material is no different from other parts of our brain and when we die, the neurons die, the configuration is lost, and it all becomes undifferentiated meat. So, biologically, how could they possibly need their prey to be sentient. And if you could somehow explain that, then you can't explain how it's okay for their food to be dead. A corpse, as I explained, is certainly not sentient.
As for Calcium, it's something that every animal needs. Millions of species on this planet alone and not one of them has any problem obtaining and storing it. So, the Flood, a super-organism that can overtake completely alien species at an absurdly rapid pace (the speed of the floodification process would probably generate enough heat to liquify the host) has to be picky because of CALCIUM? I don't buy it.
It's all arbitrary, because Bungie wanted to make a threat that was specific to intelligent life and they made up shit about sentience and calcium to achieve that goal. The Flood could never exist as described in the fiction.
Then again, neither could a lot of things which I let slide (FTL travel). The Flood fiction just encroaches on territory that we know too much about.