Modeling wise?
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At the very least you should be able to explain why you don't like it and how it could become better. If it is the style of the gun that you do not like you should be complaining and giving criticism to Bobblehob, not Josh. It seems like a very well made model to me.
Care to explain? First off, if you have any design beefs, it should be with me. The vast majority of the rifle has been altered from the original design based on the criticism of people on modacity. I would really appreciate it if you would explain yourself.
Lol, everyone chill. Holy shit. This always happens in this thread. Someone makes a comment and it blows up. No, my beef is mostly with Josh's model. Not your concept. Although he followed your concept very well... it makes for a very lackluster model. I was really hoping that Josh would add his own personal flair to it. However, keeping true to your design makes it come out sort of... cartoon like? I don't know if that's the right way to describe it. And since I don't know what the model is for, I can't really say. However, if it were meant to fit in say... the Halo universe. It's not "realistic" enough. It's very blocky, things seem odd and out of place. I made a few pictures. I'm just giving some personal crit. So no one blow up okay?
I think I would just like to see Josh go over the top with the model. Make it awesome. Right now it's sort of "meh". And I know he can do it. I have no beef with your concept though. Other than it might be a tad large for a gun, and grip seems like it's in an awkward place. But everything else seems fine to me.
Edit: The "what is this" is referring to the cylinder attached to the forward grip. The "Why is this so thick" is talking about the barrel.
And I only talk about the "U" shape of the grip because it looks like you made the gun too skinny and had to make the grip bevel in.
This is what I was looking for before, and no one blew up at you either, it just doesn't help when someone posts something looking for criticism and then the replies are basically, "I don't like it." Know what I mean?
Also, the model is not entirely finished at this point, missing a few details and needs so changes.
Modacity crit, the only crit in which people will never get their greatest assets in-game or completed....
Thank you bob. Very valid points.
As far as boxes on top of boxes, I can't really help it. It's really what the concept is. But yea, lots of valid critique. The fact that there still are some errors/empty areas, is because I still have yet to finish this.
Thanks for the response btw.
did you render that specifically so that you can't see a goddamn thing?