I don't recall Reach ever being mention has a Forerunner construct. I know it had an installation concerning the crystal but that's it.
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I don't recall Reach ever being mention has a Forerunner construct. I know it had an installation concerning the crystal but that's it.
You are correct good sir, The Menachite Forerunner Complex (aka 'The Temple') was the only Forerunner installation on Reach that we have been told about.
And yeah, the Menachite Forerunner Complex had the Crystal in it, which is actually one of the most bad ass things the Forerunner made, that wasn't the Rings themselves.
just please no flood, tired of zomg flood
im gonna be happy when thsi game and new vegas comes out, I'll have a reason to sell modern letdown 2
Theres not going to be any flood
New recon looks shit... I am liking the Elite amour.
From those screenshots it looks very different from the Beta and I might actually conside buying this game now. Nice change from CampoD
Fuck space battles.
That was quite amazing. Space battles are fantastic
I'm uploading to bungie presentation to my youtube now for if anyone missed it.
Should be up in 20 minutes.
Fraps allowed me to record the entire thing.