You seem to have an awful lot of graphics card failures. I've had one, and it was a dead 6600 GT. Oh wow, also an Nvidia chip. Eh? Eh?
Just giving you a hard time.
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You seem to have an awful lot of graphics card failures. I've had one, and it was a dead 6600 GT. Oh wow, also an Nvidia chip. Eh? Eh?
Just giving you a hard time.
Never had any card die on me, regardless of brand.
Must be a canadian thing.
E: Though a radeon x1600 that I had gotten did fry the AGP slot on my mobo, does that count?
no but seriously,
you have THAT much trouble with nvidia cards and yet you still refuse to look at an AMD option?
what the fuck is wrong with you lancer.
Well, lets take a look at my options in sequence here for a second:
1. A GTX 285 dies:
a) Send it back to EVGA for a FREE replacement. Continue using the computer with the remaining card.
b) Buy two new cards of a different make/model since I was running SLI.
2. The replacement GTX 285 dies:
a) Send it back to EVGA for a FREE upgrade to a GTX 470 since their stock of 285's is now depleted. Continue using the computer with the other GTX 285.
b) Buy two new cards of a different make/model since I was running SLI.
3. The upgraded replacement GTX 470 arrives. It can't run my system in SLI.
a) Send the other GTX 285 back for another GTX 470 while using the replacement 470 I got. End up with two GTX 470's.
b) Buy two new cards of a different make/model since I was running SLI.
My choices in bold, probably the better deal since I was never without a computer and I got a completely FREE upgrade to GTX 470's. The replacement cards EVGA sends you are refurbs or something, but they carry the same lifetime warranty as the card you originally purchased. If these 470's die in the future I'll probably get 560ti's for free, however I probably won't be using these long enough for them to fail.
I just happened to get a lemon replacement. I don't refuse to look at AMD as an alternative, I refuse to buy cards with worse performance. At the time I was considering a GTX 590 or HD 6990. I was leaning towards the 6990 since it was more powerful (though louder) and I wanted to try Eyefinity on it. So if I had bought a card it would likely have been an AMD HD 6990.
So here's a question that I've been pondering for awhile.
Right now I have two intake fans on the front of my case, the rest are all exhausts. I've been thinking of reversing the rear fan so that the top two radiator/cpu fans have access to more "fresh" air. I'm not sure if this will work very well though because the exhaust from all of my expansion cards kinda pools behind the PC, and as we all know hot air likes to rise.
Visual representation of what I'd like to change:
I should think a better idea would be flipping the radiator fans over so they draw from the outside directly while leaving the rear fan as an exhaust. Switching directions of the rear fan is going to cause turbulence not only because of moving air but because of temperature difference. Turbulence reduces the efficiency of fans and ducting.
The most you will accomplish by flipping the rear fan is blowing more air over those fancy heatsings surrounding the CPU slot (like they need it) and/or cooling off your memory. While neither is bad, they aren't really parts that you need to worry about cooling as much as the CPU and GPU, as they don't tend to get as hot in my experience.
Yeah, I'm just a fan of sticking with the "hot air rises" airflow theme. Meaning I would dislike turning my top fans around.
I'll try it at some point though and see if it makes the temps any better.
Is it me?
Doesn't help that he overclocks.
That's more of an air pressure rule. In the space of a computer's case, it'll be negligible considering you have fans creating lateral movement. If that one fan on the back starts pulling air in the case, you'll wind up with the equivalent of blowback in VTOL aircraft. It'll slowly start sucking in warmed exhaust and cooling will slowly become less efficient. Keep your cooling linear.
No, it's not you.
Nah Warsaws new PC beats your new one Zeph.
Warsaw was talking about that newegg wishlist I posted a link to.