to paraphrase hbo, I want one of the assassination anims to be "rip one of his grunty ears off and beat him to death with it"
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to paraphrase hbo, I want one of the assassination anims to be "rip one of his grunty ears off and beat him to death with it"
So they basically copy one of my weapons with their Needle Rifle and then they up the DMR's clip to 15. They are so stealing all my ideas I should sue them
As for everything, the campagin reveal was quite underwhelming; a few elites, some jackals, and horrible, horrible music does not an epic battle make. Space combat looks cool as a one-off thing (and might find a nice place in multiplayer) but that's about all that intrigued me there.
Firefight was a given, of course, but it was good fun in ODST and I'm excited to see if/how they integrate it with whatever additions they've made to Forge.
Is anyone but me gravely pissed off that Brutes are even IN reach?
not as much as I thought I was going to be, though that's mostly based on how they look as I haven't seen any combat with them so far.
cave troll+Sage's Beard=fuck yeah
Quite the opposite, for me. I like fighting Brutes, and I like fighting Elites. They have very different feels to them (or at least, they did way back in Halo 2, and since then they've been made to feel more and more like elites...). I feel that if they have both Elites and Brutes in Reach Bungie will make a very strong effort to make them feel very different as targets, and I think that is a great thing. I like to have variety in my enemies.
That's one thing that Halo has done spectacularly well over other FPSes I can think of. Most games to me feel like the only difference between enemies is how fast they move and how many bullets they take to kill. In Halo, on the other hand: Grunts are easy targets but overwhelming in swarms; Drones come at you from every direction; Jackals are weak but have very strong defense; Hunters are massive, lumbering, and dangerous; Stealth enemies are weak but difficult to target; Sentinels are very good at suppression; Flood combat forms have bad aim but will kick your ass; Infection forms are swarms of popcorn that will instantly fuck you up if your shields go down; Elites feel like a Spartan's equal, especially with the shield mechanic; Brutes have breakable armor that functionally behaves like the Elite's shields but gives very strong feedback to damage... Am I forgetting anything?
Not that Halo doesn't have enough variety without the Brutes, but I feel they add an interesting twist to it. They're almost like a different brand of Elites, but in a good way.
e: I left out engineers. Engineers really pissed me off- they had poor feedback on what weapons they were weak to, and made all enemies feel the same: bullet sponges that you just have to shoot a whole lot to kill.
It's all about feedback. It's easy to intuitively feel while playing that this plasma weapon is seriously damaging that target's shields, this accurate human weapon can take down these unshielded guys with one hit, this explosive does a lot of damage to this vehicle, this laser is useless (I'm looking at you, sentinel beam). When suddenly an enemy gets a shield that makes it resistant but not immune to your weapons but the source of the shield is inaccessible from your current location, you're reduced to spraying bullets into a target hoping that the shield will go down eventually.
Engineers could be done right, but they need a more obvious link between themselves and the covenant they protect. Most of the time you can't even see the engineer that's protecting a whole swarm of enemies charging at you. And the shield they project should give more strong feedback on what it does and why it's there.
I'm quite happy that Brutes are back, since I loved fighting them. However, I'm kind of disappointed in their new look, and would have very much liked that they went back to their Halo 2 look with lots of fur and stuff, though with that new armor.
from the well thought out argument, numerical figures, and calm polite tone, its safe to say that guy is neither a child nor is he bitching. its not like he said "im mad because i die to much, change it!". he posted a courteous and basically correct argument about a legitimate issue. if it makes sense, and apparently it did to bungie, i dont think it matters how many or few people were behind the decision. but its not like it was one person either, because the very first thing you see in the thread you linked to is a pole in which 69% of the voters (1500 people) agreed with his proposition.