Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Took some screenshots of some interesting things in the video:
What's this?

Spiker's back, though unless they change it's function greatly, it's kind of going against the idea that Bungie wanted to decrease weapon redundancy. The same reason they removed the SMG.
Also liking the new Brutes. The armour isn't so goddamn shiny now. Though I prefer the hairy Brutes from Halo 2 compared to these hairless ones.

Fuel Rod's back with what looks like it's 3rd major redesign. I would've though they'd have taken it out and have the Plasma Launcher replace it. Looks like they'll be appearing alongside each other.

And finally, it looks like we won't be the only one's given a wide range of armour abilities:

Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
first pic is the concussion rifle. far as I can tell it's pretty much a brute shot that fires plasma rounds.

Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Also liking the new Brutes. The armour isn't so goddamn shiny now.
Probably the best thing about Reach, is how armor actually looks like armor. In Halo 3 is was like plastic, but that was to kind of go along with how the artwork and graphical design was laid out so you can't exactly blame them.
I mean come on, just imagine the new Spartans in Reach (made to look more realistic) put into Halo 3. Would that fit at all? No.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
well speed and jump height is increased :|
that aside I watched the FF video on Bnet and the brutes have an odd drop pod
the air strike weapon concerns me, since if its in match making how BADLY will it affect games
Okay, now that's retarded. The jump height was ridiculous in Halo 3. Anyone who thought jumping over a person's head and assassinating them was cool, is a fucking moron.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Okay, now that's retarded. The jump height was ridiculous in Halo 3. Anyone who thought jumping over a person's head and assassinating them was cool, is a fucking moron.
Who said it's going back to Halo 3 levels? The jump height was way too low in the beta, and you couldn't even jump over small obstacles without trouble.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
because it fucks with established time stuff, particularly pertaining to elites being replaced far too fast. also the story sucked, in spite of the characters. and then there's the lack of interesting architecture.
You're complaining about time "line" Halo?
1) Time is relative.
2) Who knows what kind of odd space-time fuckups a slipstream jump inside a planet's gravity well would/did have. They could have slowed down time around Earth for all we know.
3) It's a game. It's not like they translated something that happened a month later into happening over night
4) I'm pretty sure the whole Brute change over was premeditated by the Prophets for some time before the Halo 2 event. They are poltical scumbags after all.
On another note, you know what would be freaking crazy? Prophets. In my Firefight. It'd be like a Halo Wars FPS almost :o
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Actually Bungie tried to handwave it by saying (paraphrasing here) that during the point in the timeline where ODST took place, the Civil War hadn't quite erupted yet and the Brutes were still largely relegated to more menial tasks, i.e. scouting and cleaning up a city that they just obliterated while the Elites go have fun at Delta Halo. The real reason is just that they didn't want to have to reconfigure the Elites as bad guys, since that would take effort and such (it was just a side project until MS wanted a larger price tag).
Also I want to know if you can assassinate Hunters. Probably not but that'd be badass
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
If you can, it'd probably be along the lines of giving their backsides a good fisting then ripping out whatever wormy worms you can while you're pulling out.
Actually they look pretty armored this time around. It may be that we have to shoot off a back plate now to expose their soft spots, kind of like how you had to shoot off the helmets of Brutes before you could land headshots.
Also, that grunt from earlier made me think of a russian grunt for some reason. heh, russian grunts. Too bad they won't be speaking english this time around -_-
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
I want the grunts to sound like the Aliens from FO3 Mothership Zeta. :)
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Who said it's going back to Halo 3 levels? The jump height was way too low in the beta, and you couldn't even jump over small obstacles without trouble.
just like in halo 1