Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
That Hunter beat the shit out of him.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
They need to have people playing that are actually good, because it pisses me off when I see people like that showing off something.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
From that video you can also tell we'll be getting thigh and forearm armor to customize.
I kinda gave that away in a edited armory picture. I took the beta strings and slapped what I thought was blurred out, turns out one of what I did was wrong but's the beta strings.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Looks fun, but that guy was straight up didn't really care kind of bad.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
finally we can actually use wraiths in firefight to stack the odds in the player's favor
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
And in addition, difficulty now shifts with the number of players. No longer will we have to do 4 person co op on legendary just to make it a challenge. Yay!
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
That FRG explosion at 6:31 is really cool looking. Think you can replicate it, Ifafudafi? ;p
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by Bungie Weekly Update
Man in the Mirror
And while we’re on the subject of getting glimpses, Ken Taya wants to know when we’re gonna reveal one of the multiplayer maps he’s been working on to our lovely at home audience. I keep telling him that Reflection just might be at the top of my Best Looking Halo Maps of All Time list, but he’s not happy with personal praise alone. He wants you to see it in its entire gob smacking glory. The warm wood floors, polished to a high gloss finish. The metal, the marble, and the mountains just outside the massive glass windows. The vibrant, turning hologram of planet Reach suspended above the central hall. The revelation that though this space has a spectacular new aesthetic – it’s all ensconced around a space you’re already intimately familiar with.
Did I tell you that when Marcus noted Reach’s multiplayer maps were taken straight from the campaign that we weren’t telling you the full story?
Ken tells me Reflection has the biggest cube map in the game. I have no idea what that means, but I’m not lying when I tell you that this sucker looks spectacular.
Sounds like Ivory Tower.
Re: [Reach] Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Sounds like Ivory Tower.
I hope so. That was always one of my favorite maps. I wonder how jetpacks would play out there, tho?
Heh, we'd have a lot less of one team crouching at the top of the elevator and the other team trying to coordinate an offensive to break their position. That's too bad, I actually kind of liked that.