I ran into this problem when I made a Covenant cruiser scenery object. The solution was to make the frame gigantic in 3dsmax. I'm not sure why it worked or if it would work again, but scenery can be made to work properly.
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I didn't think to try that. I didn't even think the volume of the frame object was even stored in the tag. I thought it was just a reference point. Oh well, live and learn.
That, I tried. Didn't work for the beams I had, which went from one side of a huge map to the other. No matter what I set the radius to, they would occasionally disappear. It probably had more to do with the portals than the bounding radius, but I didn't really fight or investigate the issue. I just gave up and modeled them into the BSP.
Back on topic: versus firefight. So, we can do any combination of 4 players? 3v1, 2v1, etc. on either side?
Was going through this http://halo.bungie.org/misc/ferrex_f..._20100723.html
You can make completely custom invasion maps and objectives
Surely you could enable him to be able to drive vehicles?
pretty sure the core is just like missile pods and gun turrets, so no
But this is Halo: Reach, where everything can pretty much be done by customizing options :downs:
(At least I hope they don't take away 'impractical' things and seriously let you do whatever the hell you want)
worst case scenario, elites would disable a falcon and have the elite with the core hop in the hold and surf to safety