Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
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what a boring documentary. they were talking about the light at the end of the tunnel for like five minutes, god damn.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The flood "supercell" thing almost makes them sound like biological based nanotech
Basically nature's verson of the Borg. Resistance was futile!
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
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Two words.
Slip Space.
Slipspace or hyperspace or whatever hypothetical shortcut through space is still time travel. You are leaping outside of your light cone to a point in space with no causological relationship with the event of your "Jump". You are violating causality, which is the fabric of the universe.
Since simultaneity is relative, you could theoretically jump back to your point of origin before you left. Paradox!
I don't believe in paradoxes, which is why I don't believe FTL travel or time travel will ever be possible. Well, not without permanently losing the ability to interact with the known universe. But I forgive science fiction for treating relativistic distances as if they are still governed by classical mechanics. No FTL travel is a bummer, creatively.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Slipspace or hyperspace or whatever hypothetical shortcut through space is still time travel. You are leaping outside of your light cone to a point in space with no causological relationship with the event of your "Jump". You are violating causality, which is the fabric of the universe.
Then explain to me how you managed to get outside the rim of the galaxy in halo 3 to the ark.
Since simultaneity is relative, you could theoretically jump back to your point of origin before you left. Paradox!
I don't believe in paradoxes,
It really doe's not matter wherther you believe in paradoxes or not, there currently is no known law stopping time travel in it self.
which is why I don't believe FTL travel or time travel will ever be possible. Well, not without permanently losing the ability to interact with the known universe. But I forgive science fiction for treating relativistic distances as if they are still governed by classical mechanics. No FTL travel is a bummer, creatively.
I thought we were talking about Halo, a Sci-fi game not realife events? if your so interested in real life events look up the copenhagen conference.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Warlord does have a point. Realism and Halo are practically polar opposites.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
I don't believe in paradoxes, which is why I don't believe FTL travel or time travel will ever be possible.
hey ejb, it's kmzzpp from the future, here to tell you that time travel is psbl. just don't tell present day kmzzpp where you learned this fact or else the next president will be a women.
Don't ask. Trying to explain how would blow your mind. Literally.
Now if you'll excuse me, my Delorean 2040 is starting to cause a black hole
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
Warlord does have a point. Realism and Halo are practically polar opposites.
Then that makes Halo poor science fiction, it's become more of a fantasy (like Star Wars)
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
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Same thing.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
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Same thing.
Not really. In fantasy, we have the end-all-be-all plot device of 'magic'. In Sci-Fi the author will typically take great lengths to explain how something works.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
IE, District 9 Vs Star Wars, King Kong vs Dragon Wars.