Oh man I'm pumped
Does anyone see the Firefly reference here?Quote:
Originally Posted by Urk
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Oh man I'm pumped
Does anyone see the Firefly reference here?Quote:
Originally Posted by Urk
You guys might want to take a look at this :
Sick. OK, now I'm getting quite excited for this game.
Who are the poor saps in the mongoose at 0:25? There's a dozen warthogs, a few falcons, and a few pelicans, and those two marines get stuck in a mongoose?
There's also banshees and phantoms in the distance.
Can't say I'm surprised. I remember reading either in the Weekly Update or on NeoGaf that they changed the way the scene from the VGA Reveal Trailer looked. Still looks like one damn beautiful game nonetheless.
Also, according to CVG, the trailer wasn't the surprise. Keep checking CVG to see what it is. Probably nothing special, but any Reach info is good Reach info, right?
E: Fuck that, surprise was that Microsoft "has assembled a UK celebrity 'Super Squad' to take on the best Halo players in the country (England) come launch day."
You had to fucking go there...
Ugh, super squad? Really
Microsoft has just killed my enthusiastic mood for the day...