Re: Seven ate Nein...
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(51) : error C2660: 'D3DXCreateFont' : function does not take 12 arguments
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(87) : error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextW' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(205) : error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextW' : function does not take 6 arguments
Only errors I have left.
Re: Seven ate Nein...
Re: Seven ate Nein...
Originally Posted by
Choking Victim
Install the DirectX SDK
I had the wrong version. So now I am having issues in the Linker
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'd3dxof.lib'
even though I have it, I must not be telling the linker somewhere to look in the right places
Re: Seven ate Nein...
Maybe you still have the wrong directx sdk. Even if you don't, here's a link for those who do. This is the version that worked for me.
Re: Seven ate Nein...
Have you done this?
Once I did everything worked fine for me :3
Re: Seven ate Nein...
I got it all fixed, and remembered I didn't have ce on this computer, nor do I have my cd with me. :/
Re: Seven ate Nein...
So like, what do I do then? D: I installed the DirectX SDK but then I just kept getting exceptions. Wut teh fook?
Re: Seven ate Nein...
I guess you need to compile it yourself D; Get Visual Studio Express 2005 of the microsoft website. Then follow that tutorial I linked to for setting VS up and you should be set.
Re: Seven ate Nein...
Re: Seven ate Nein...
I tried getting files from Timo. CE starts, and then exceptions before I get to the UI.
So I tried building one myself. It built fine, using the June '08 DX SDK (had it installed when looking to mod a different game vOv), but CE still crashes before getting to the UI.
If I delete d3d9.dll, it starts up just fine.
The executable is version I was using Visual Studio 2008, but the auto-magical converter says that only the IIS deployment options were removed, and that UAC settings were added.