Tru Dat Bre.
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oh no, masters is gone :(
better to run than lose, heh
Actually, I recall CMT agreeing that you would use OS if it worked as expected. Now where was that?
Oh right, there it is!
Trying to keep conflicting opinions from seeping out? Or just running out of ways to embarrass yourselves?
No :downs: below this line!:
Uh, been reading this thread... Sounds like someone really loves there mod.
Tbh, I think that Internet drama shouldn't exist. :(
I mean.. we don't even know each other in real life! (most of us, lmao)
And, we don't even own there mod, its there's to mess around with. Hth.
I do recall being pushed (blackmailed?) into using OS even though we didn't need it. Here's an idea: we'll release an OS version and a non-OS version. The only way this could possibly piss you off is if you :mad::mad::mad:omghate:mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!1 1! pirates and wanted the CMT maps to screw them over due to OS being 1.08 only.
I attempted to upload open sauce to halomaps, which was just the default code with the statistics section commented out, and it was working fine for me, of course I haven't actually played against anyone with it, only ai, but I don't think Dennis actually tests maps beyond starting the game, starting the map and walking around for a bit. Also modacity was informed that I intended to upload it to halomaps (in the open sauce "seven ate nine" thread), just look through my posts, I haven't made that many yet.
Actually to my admittedly limited knowledge there hasn't been that much testing, but I've been using Kornman's Kornman 00 app (scince it can edit UI widget tags) almost without fault for some time, so I feel there would be nothing wrong with open sauce. As I already said the sauce itself seems to work too (until I tried to open Sapien with the .dll in place, Sapien didn't like that)(I wanted to try and script a map using the gravity function/command).
My C drive on my desktop has less free space than that, luckily I still have a large amount of space on the secondary drive though. Video editing is a hobby of mine, and there's alot of un-compressed .avi files on both drives for my various film projects.
That is a good idea in my opinon. Finish the campaign then release it as it is and make another version with as much as possible bundled into shared files, which logiclly would take up less precious disk space. Also you might be able add the Delta Halo UI theme back into the open-sauced, shared map version, especially if you can put more than just bitmaps and sounds into the shared maps (although the ui_widget_definition tags probablly don't take up that much space anyway).
Of course you can release two versions, but you originally said you weren't going to because it's just stupid to have duplicate releases. What would aggravate me is if you ignore the OS version and praise the pirate one as the "only" one.
I really do think you should make the first 2-4 levels available as "demo" levels, though. Then anyone who has pirated the game knows what they are missing, and they can get the full one. They'll still get to experience it, and they'll notice your work, but just not fully unless they buyitthe full retail version of Halo.
This really is as stupid of a decision as it would be for a developer to make their game using DirectX 8 so they can support Windows 95 instead of using DirectX 9, 10, or 11.
It would be smartest to have one version and to do it right.