Kat looks like she's a member of a military outfit.
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Kat looks like she's a member of a military outfit.
Yeah, I'm all for protagonists that actually look like military people and not anime characters. -_- I'm also for Spartans that actually seem more human and that have faces as opposed to the invincible Chief. Cheers to Reach, 20 days and counting now.
ODST are completely out of proportion in real life. I saw someone make a to-scale ODST helm. and it was wayyy too narrow. Are ODSTs secretly horses?
OT: Reach looks amazing, trying to stay away from spoilers as best as I can.
You can now enter your Halo PC key to unlock the nameplate icon.
Sweet, got mine.
Here's the final Live Action Trailer for Halo: Reach. Its entitled "Deliver Hope" Enjoy. It's pretty alright, but its just one of those over one minute ones again, way too short. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IMTK7yuoq0
I wish my jetpack could get me that far :mech:
Just a fantastic trailer. I've gone Dark on Reach now because of all the spoilers around and I want to be surprised by this Halo Game, but I don't mind watching these Live Action trailers - and they're great!
I like that Live Action Trailer, I was over lurking at NeoGAF since they still haven't approved me as a poster and one of the Bungie employees confirmed this is a video of how Kat lost her arm, and how the original Noble Six, Thom died. So this is actually a prequel to the prequel game. Also I'm listening to Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin from Halo 2. I still love this song, and I loved listening to it when it came up during the game. :D