I like that one comment:
"It's always a fucking banshee"
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I like that one comment:
"It's always a fucking banshee"
man, look at all them youtubers thinking this is actually the end of Reach lol
So, they gave the previous SIII who covered their six (see what I did thar :haw:) a name? Thom? Wonder if this will ever get put into some short story or (:ugh:) anime (:ugh:). Nice video, but kinda sends off mixed signals with the whole "remember where it all began" while this video takes place before the Reach attack and thus I don't think that battle is on Reach but hey, it's a nice video and that's what matters in the end right?.
Yeah I hear what you are saying on the mixed signals thing, and the way Bungie figures it, the casual fans will think the battle is on Reach while the hardcore people will know its before it. I just got a chuckle out of the prequel game getting a prequel trailer.
Also here's a quote from the Bungie Employee, his forum handle on NeoGaf is Mancannon "you guys nailed it - essentially this is Kat pre-arm loss - the mission in which she lost it - and presumably the original noble six you replace at the start of Reach the game. This was Bungies position, that it's not actually on Reach - but its intentionally nebulous. Casual fans won't care and will assume it's Reach, hardcore fans know it cant be. You guys are Halo CSI - can't get nuthin past you http://www.neogaf.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif"
and one more from Mancannon "
original early storyboards showed Kats arm being severed but turns out ratings boards and networks arent keen on dismemberment :) favorite memory from those meetings was our suggestions for a noble six/kat exchange as he picks up the bomb.. "let me give you a hand with that" "the bomb is disarmed" etc (more fun if you do it with a campy Schwarzenegger style accent)"
Just a note in case anyone was as curious as i was about the MFDD being able to take that cruiser out. The output is 63 terajoules, which equals 15057.361376694 tons.
That's a big bang.
Ow. See how she landed on her arm? No shit she lost it.
too bad they loose a spartan doing so
anyways reach has invaded my dreams the latest one involved me p,aying a level that made NO SENSE and for some reason noble 6 was on fucking stilts...also the hulk somehow got in there
In other news, relating to the whole you can have Kat's arm for your Spartan, the guy I'm talking to who did the Infection 16 Player video has told me that the Robotic Arm is part of a chest piece. He said its part of more than one chest piece, so I'll keep an eye out for that the next time I see another full armory tour with everything unlocked.