40 functions and 295 globals
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40 functions and 295 globals
how many of those are used already?
In the public release there are only one or two functions\globals in use by OS, but they're not vital and you can remove them from use yourself.
Can you announce any of the features os actually comes with? All I know is multiteam vehicles so far.
I think I'll leave the feature set list for the day of release. Don't want to shoot myself in the foot you know, I hear it hurts :saddowns:
Its not that bad :(
There's this one bug in Guerilla that perhaps this thing you're making could correct, like a patch. At 0x004D7144 is the string " -zx -yz xx+yy", a token for parsing an imported physics .txt. It doesn't expect to find "-zx -yz xx+yy" instead, and throws a fit. Shifting 21 bytes back one byte from 0x004D7145 fixes it. Yay! Then maxscript (or even notepad) can make working with physics easier!
Could it do things like that?
I'll be sure to add that fix, thanks bobby
cool. thanks/np
+rep to bobby :D
I was just wondering, are you still planning on releasing by Saturday?
yep, at 11:15pm Hawaii time :-3
It will be Saturday for Hawaii, and Sunday for the rest of the world :-3
Because I like to milk my time and it worked out ;p
Looking forward to it, even though i wont understand any of it.
Would you happen to have any videos of examples of things that can be done with this?
Oh, sorry, Didn't notice the date, heh, well, When its done would you mind showing a video of it to us when you've got it ready for release?
Almost here! yay
The Halo1 Yelo portion will be uploaded first (give me about 10-20mins), I'm dealing with some bugs in the IDE which is used to create the custom tags and such and should follow suite later today.
So what's going on with this? Still trying to resolve some bugs?
^ I'm anxious to see what this thing can do.
Look at the first post coolio.
how do you use this? it doesnt tell you.. needs moar readme.
You need C++ afaik. But its not compiling for me. Should've released it with a release build already compiled in the bin folder korn. :\
Ok, then I guess all us people who do not have C++ will just have to wait... http://i372.photobucket.com/albums/o...-cryingsvg.png
Shadowspartan got me the d3dx9math.h file online, but it still didn't compile. Not sure what the problem is.Quote:
c:\program files\microsoft games\halo custom edition\opensauce\halo1_ce\Common\Types.hpp(27) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'd3dx9math.h': No such file or directory
As soon as I finish reinstalling c++, I'll look into getting it to compile. If I can't, we'll just have to wait for korn to sign on.
I think we need the Direct X 9 SDK installed, at least that's what the d3dx9math.h its searching for is from.
Would we use the most recent SDK?
I was able to fix all of the DirectX related errors, then I got that error. We are missing a file that is a part of OS, so we will have to wait on korn.Quote:
1>.\TagGroups\TagGroups.cpp(24) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'TagGroups/project_yellow_definitions.hpp': No such file or directory
The new attachment in the post has the missing file that the old one didn't have. You'll need one of the DX9 SDKs to compile.
Getting same error D: Am I suppose to get visual studio 2005?
This is only tested for 05, hence the _05 postfix.
OK, found a few more runtime bugs in Yelo %-), but I fix I fix!
Also, keep in mind, Open Sauce is for DEVELOPERS. I wasnt working on OS to satisfy everyones whining about Battery not working with the new update hth :downs:
I guess i'll wait for someone else to do something then :p
Good to know that things are being fixed. I do love the irony though- right now there are 13 people viewing the thread, the majority of which are unable to actually use OS, including myself, but which are so enthusiastic about its potential. It's like awaiting a new version of Microsoft office, but not writing anything in it yet. :P
Wouldn't it be a GetRootObject function, since it's while loops up the hierarchy?Code:datum_index GetParentObject(datum_index obj)
object_header_datum* object_header_datums = Objects::ObjectHeader()->datums;
object_data* current_obj = (object_data*)object_header_datums[obj.index].address;
while( current_obj->GetParentObjectIndex()->index != NONE )
obj = *current_obj->GetParentObjectIndex();
current_obj = (object_data*)object_header_datums[obj.index].address;
return obj;
looks like coding is the easy part
finding the CONSTANTS, on the other hand...
you're just arguing semantics tbh. If anything, GetRootParentObject would be a more appropriate name. If I'm a player and I get into a vehicle that vehicle is now my parent, but its not my root object since it's not part of me.
And yes, that is what I was trying to explain to people when they were like "oh is this and this possible??!11??". Anything is possible really...
Updating first post in 5min
I have a question. So, can "developers" make stuff with this and share it with other people?
As long as they provide a copy of their modified source, then yes they can. The GPLv3 license was applied so people can learn from other's developments. However I will consider individual people for closed-source releases as long as they talk to me first.
So just wondering, sorry if i'm horrible off par but when compiled up does this offer anything straight out of the box?
Sure does, OOTB it offers multi-vehicle and gravity changing. If you compile with the Camera component active you'll have an over-the-shoulder view.
Got any videos of examples?
Hmm, WoL and I just tried running with the d3d9.dll in our ce root directory, and every time he tried joining my server, I got an exception. Not sure if it's a problem you weren't aware of or not, jut throwing it out there. d:
I just exceptioned while starting CE, so you guys are further ahead than me :p
My CE started up fine. Now all I need is the ability to go online using 1.08.
I even got the 3rd person camera to show up but I have no HUD or sniper scope so I can't snipe accurately.
Time to whip out my C++ skills eh?
Great work korn, havent even downloaded it yet but I know it will be amazing :D
Oh my God, another Korn miracle. Thanks so much man.
Just a question though, any word on netcode enhancement? Anyone working on something like that? I'm not talking about something like AI syncing, rather elimination or reducing of the amount of leading required to hit somebody.
E: Aw shit... can't rep. :gonk:
So is anyone right now keen to have a look at multi team vehicles?
Lul, Timo failed me. Spent an hour trying to get it working, "can't find D3dx9d_40.dll" FFFFFFFFFFF :(
That's what we did. It worked for him (Timo), but not for me and bacon's brother. :( We got the same error.
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(51) : error C2660: 'D3DXCreateFont' : function does not take 12 arguments
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(87) : error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextW' : function does not take 6 arguments
1>.\Interface\TextBlock.cpp(205) : error C2660: 'ID3DXFont::DrawTextW' : function does not take 6 arguments
Only errors I have left.
Install the DirectX SDK
Maybe you still have the wrong directx sdk. Even if you don't, here's a link for those who do. This is the version that worked for me.
Have you done this?
Once I did everything worked fine for me :3
I got it all fixed, and remembered I didn't have ce on this computer, nor do I have my cd with me. :/
So like, what do I do then? D: I installed the DirectX SDK but then I just kept getting exceptions. Wut teh fook?
I guess you need to compile it yourself D; Get Visual Studio Express 2005 of the microsoft website. Then follow that tutorial I linked to for setting VS up and you should be set.
Oh, okay. :)
I tried getting files from Timo. CE starts, and then exceptions before I get to the UI.
So I tried building one myself. It built fine, using the June '08 DX SDK (had it installed when looking to mod a different game vOv), but CE still crashes before getting to the UI.
If I delete d3d9.dll, it starts up just fine.
The executable is version I was using Visual Studio 2008, but the auto-magical converter says that only the IIS deployment options were removed, and that UAC settings were added.
I don't support VS 08 yet. I have it but I'm not moving my projects forward to it just yet.
What other bs are you running while you try to test this? IE, like some xfire bs
I don't think anything. XFire and Steam aren't running, and I'm not sure if I've got something else that would interfere.
I'm using VS 08 and I don't have this problem, so I doubt it's that.
So it's something to do with my computer.
<hijackthis log coming shortly>
Oh yeah, I almost forgot...
has anything delicious come from this yet, or is it needing to be debugged?
1>Halo1_CE - 28 error(s), 1 warning(s)
yes yes tihs program definantley works /fail
any in-game examples of a benefit made possible from this Sauce?
why can't we all just get along? D:
I compiled with VC 2008 and it works, though it crashes if I load "h2_zanzibar" (reproduced 2/2).
I tried a few other custom maps and they worked fine.
I opened it with C++ and it worked fine, haven't compiled though. Once I learn more about it i'll start trying to compile.
And i'm surprised that no one has posted here in a week or so, that's pretty crazy.
When I opened it (the solution file), VC++ '08 express edition said it won't support Solution folders, and that the solution folders will be unavailable.
When I built it, it warned,
"d3d9.exp : warning LNK4070: /OUT:Halo1_CE.dll directive in .EXP differs from output filename 'C:\...\OpenSauce\bin\Release\Halo1_CE\d3d9.dll'; ignoring directive"
so i copied d3d9.dll to CE's folder manually.
when I ran tool, it said, in a patronizing tone, "Failed to load/create D3D", but continued anyway.
Then, when I launched HaloCE, it exceptioned
I downloaded the june 08 dx sdk flyingrooster posted a link to, but I gotta clear some space before installing it. Kinda doubt that's the problem, though, since I got the newer version right now (nov. '08). Should I open the vcproj instead? I don't know much about these visual studio IDEs. My bit o' expierience is in DOS mode programming
It would be highly recommended to take a course (formal in school or online tutorial) and/or read the help file as you go to learn how to use the Visual Studio IDE before you continue.
Bobby, mine said the same thing. I don't know about halo exceptioning, though. That only happened to me when I made a server and WoL tried joining.
Also, Visual Studio 2005. Maybe that'll fix a few people's problems, since this was developed with VS2005.
Speaking of exceptions...
I built the default DLL and sent it to Timo. Game loaded and ran just fine for the both of us this time around. However, I got an exception any time I killed Timo. O_o
Probably was related to an unhandled condition in the game statistics code
I've been finishing development on some tag tools (among other things) that I think a lot of you modders (not just developers) will really appreciate. They're in the same code base as the custom tag group generator so thats why I've been holding off on the release of that, but don't worry, its all yours very soon...
Uninstalled both VC & DX SDK, installed the suggesteds, but I still get the same warnings and exception
Would someone with a working build please upload it, so I could test if my build is the problem?
Oh look. My "hacks" broke the VS 05 linker.
So on this very merry day, I was finishing some work up on giving OS some...batteries if you know what I mean (and I think you do!) and decided to hit Build and waited a few seconds- BOOM *gathering exception data*
Well thats odd...I said build, no run halo :confused:
So I go and look at the build log
lolwut? So I go and look at the code its referring to...Code:1>c:\mount\b\kornner\project yellow\opensauce\halo1_ce\interface\gameui.cpp(312) : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
1>(compiler file 'F:\SP\vctools\compiler\utc\src\P2\main.c[0x10BEFEAB:0x003A0073]', line 182)
1> To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above.
1>Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
1> Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::BuildImage
:confused:??? What the fu- *looks at the build configuration*. So it would appear I'm building under "Release". That right there sets off some alarms since my settings for "Release" are to optimize the code...and I'm passing "OverriteRelativeJmp" pointers which can be determined at link-time (one to the game's code, one to my own). Why would that latter be a problem? Lets investigate the call chain. Next inline of course is: OverriteRelativeJmp.Code:Memory::OverriteRelativeJmp( GET_FUNC_VPTR(GAME_ENGINE_RENDER_NAV_POINTS_CALL_HOOK_RENDER_NAV_POINT),
Hold it. Right there. At that last line above. What else can be determined at link-time? Thats right, we wanted the code to 'write_opcode'. Whats going on in 'WriteMemory'?Code:OverriteRelativeJmp(void* to_address, void* jmp_address, bool write_opcode)
static byte real_opcode = 0xE9; // jmp [function]
if(write_opcode) WriteMemory(jmp_address, &real_opcode, sizeof(real_opcode));
Well guess what? The linker thinks it knows what the real value of 'address' is at link-time...it thinks right, but does it know what kind of address it is? Probably not, since it was trying to run this above code at link-time.Code:BOOL WriteMemory(void* address, const void* src, int32 size)
if(memcpy(address, src, size)) return TRUE;
In more simpilar terms? It was trying to run the code of the 'write_opcode' condition since the linker thought it had usable valid deterministic data. However it thought wrong. While it was valid and deterministic data, it wasn't something that could be used at link-time since 'address' is actually an address in halo's code.
The fix to this whole problem? An attribute called "__declspec(noinline)". We apply that to our MemoryInterface functions to avoid the linker trying to perform any invalid inline code cases such as this one I just encountered.
Now, I've been sippin on some Eiswein and feel like some Team SWAT in H3.
You should dictate all that.
I am using Visual Studio 2005 and replaced the first direct x sdk I downloaded with the June SDK, then it finally compiled but I also got that warning. The game started ok, then I loaded bloodgultch AI (alone of course, I know AI don't sync) and picked up a sniper rifle and pistol. All was fine until I fired my first shot, I was using the sniper and I hit the elite, then the game exceptioned. Sounds like what Polar Bear said he encountered when he killed Timo
Well guys. It's been ages since anyone has updated anything here so... any news at all?
No ones really doing anything cool with sauce.