Honestly, we've cut so much more stuff for time and effort reasons than for space issues. Everything we've cut for space issues has been minor or irrelevant.
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This discussion is now over.
There have been a lot of really shitty and stupid points made here by people who are more intent on maintaining their positions than actually coming to a conclusion. I won't bother pointing them out, since anyone with half a brain should be able to recognize them for themselves. Part of me wants to hand out a bunch of infractions for the sheer level of idiocy that's been going on in here. Everyone in this should have realized that this argument stopped being relevant quite a while ago.
Sometimes people need to realize that their position isn't the best one.
Sometimes people need to realize it's not worth yelling at a deaf man.
Sometimes people need to realize that there are more important things than pride and being independent.
Sometimes people need to realize that they're wasting their and everyone else's time.
The above statements apply to both sides. Smart people should be able to figure out what refers to what, even it refers to them.
Yes, OS is significant but it's not worth 32+ pages (counting the other thread) of debate over. CMT is just a mod. P0lar's post said a lot of what I wanted to say, so you can all just read it again and get the gist of what I'm feeling. This argument has gone around and around and around and around over the same exact points. I won't bother to address them again, as I said in my last post here.
That said, we will not get anything more out of this thread than people throwing poo at each other in response to poo that was thrown at them in response to poo that was thrown at them ad infinitum. People who want to continue to go at it over a subject that's been worn to death by everyone to whom it is directly relevant can do so in private if they want to so damn badly. This has become nothing but a set of people arguing for the sake of arguing with the actual logic of decision-making thrown out the window; a channel for personal grudges to develop or, if they already exist, to continue.
I suggest you all drop this. I long since have.
This is not over.
But the thread will remain locked for now.
Masters stated back on page 14 or so that he agreed to use OS if it works out. Hopefully he isn't an asshole lying son of a bitch who is just saying that to get off his back. If you don't follow through, you know how this shitstorm is going to pan out.
So we'll wait.
Just tested the new additions to OS_tool (which includes memory upgrades and shared data files modification).
test scenario: H2_Zanzibar
without custom shared data files:
"total tag size is 8.31M (26.19M free)"
Now that was completed unbelievably fast.
Not that file size doesn't matter to some people, but I don't think most people would care if CMTSP2 was 10GB nowadays. The majority of people don't have bandwidth caps anymore, and you can easily download 10-20GB overnight from the right sources.
But why have it unnecessarily big when it can easily be 1/3 the size with the available Tool? (pun intended :rolleyes:)
Bandwidth is still an issue for people, and if not the downloaders, then the hosts. And then there's the slow speeds. Sure, you might have a FiOS line capable of 2.5 MB/s (hell, I downloaded a 6 GB file in 40 minutes Saturday morning), but if you can only download at a mere 50 kB/s because of the load and/or shared hosting site limits, then you're not going to finish for a long time.
Masters argues he wants to target everyone, but what about the people with bandwidth caps (Timo) or rather slow connections (I only get 240kb/s :|)?
Even if he stays with making it avaiable to non-1.08ers, there are going to be people who will have a hard time getting this. Where as if they upgrade to 1.08, not only will it save their bandwidth and HDD space, but they'll gain the features of Yelo.
And people with small hard drives. (90gb on C:)
Yeah since even the crappiest computers from wal-mart usually have atleast 250gb nowadays.
My 2nd drive only has 30gb oh well!
While I agree that OS would benefit both CMT, and the rest of the community, I feel that Masterz has his reasons for not using it.
Sure, he may be helping the pirates by allowing the 1.00 and 1.04 community (Which currently has the most user base on HCE), however they might "turn over" if CMT were released under 1.08, and Open Sauce.
However, there is a 50 percent chance that people WON'T buy Halo, and will scourge the internet either by posting on forums:
Or by searching with Google (Like that'll ever happen, considering most of the internet newbies never search.)Quote:
hai guyz CMT just releazed tehir new campain, any1 got a cd key??//?
As always, CMT, and the community, would benefit from having this Open Sauce update. However new problems might occur.
1. What happens if a modder makes one set of bitmaps.map and sounds.map, and then he creates another set that uses a couple different bitmaps and sounds. This might result in creating two of the same, which could waste space on a hard drive. A fix would be to create only one of each, then dump everything that is only bitmaps and sounds, into those two files.
2. OS_Tool, as gracious as it may be, since it is made with the "stable but unstable" Open Sauce, it could damage the structure of the map file itself, causing errors all around. Of course I am not doubting Kornman, but it could happen.
Edit: What I said in #2 would probably apply to a "newcommer" in the Halo CE enviroment.
Worrying about pirates is nothing. They know they pirated it, and they won't openly ask for a key. You usually have those who don't know how to pirate asking for keys.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by your bitmaps/sounds.map scenario. But if I understand it correctly, why would anyone ever do that? If you want to have two sets, compile them into the same, or just don't reference it as a shared resource and compile that in the map. Shared caches are meant for things that are universal across all maps, such as bitmaps, sounds, music, weapons, vehicles, and UI elements. And regardless, you'll always have a scenario that is either the same size as it would normally be or smaller.
OS could be unstable depending on what you do and who does it. I don't want to speak for Kornman here, but I would assume that something like this is pretty damn stable as long as you use it right. Not really sure how it can screw up and go so wrong when it's just compiling like normal, but splitting resources between two files.
I don't understand what you are trying to say. Can you elaborate?
I don't see how Open Sauce could damage the structure of a map file. Nothing is really being changed in the map files. A particular tag will still have a value that specifies if the bitmap or sound is external, OS is just going to change which map the engine will load the tags from.
A "newcomer" to CE should have enough common sense to be able to read a readme and follow instructions on how to install OS and make the maps playable.
I still don't understand what you meant before, but an inexperienced modder should not, and probably would not be using the shared map file feature of OS.
I highly doubt an "inexperienced" coder will be able to figure out what OS is doing, let alone edit something major and still get it to compile. If somebody released an edited OS source code, there is no doubt that it won't be as stable as something Korn would write. It's not like a person who has no knowledge coding is going to be writing this shared map file code for OS, so I don't see what the problem is. If a person edits OS's source code, and fucking something up to where it becomes "unstable", then it's their fault, and it's not like people are going to be forced to use that.
And about me, I don't have any C++ experience, though I do have a little bit of C now, so that restricts me a lot when trying to look at OS and figure out what the hell it's doing. I can understand parts of it, but I really haven't had much time to sit down and thoroughly look at it. I plan on looking at it again sometime soon hopefully.
While OS_Tool (along with OS_Guerilla and OS_Sapien) are part of the "Open Sauce" package, they are not being compiled from the same code base as the Yelo portion of OS. The only open source part of OS currently is Yelo, and it has a license which requires any changes made to the source to be published\made avaiable. The changes I'm making in terms of upgrading the memory are going to be required to be part of the base Yelo framework so its there in all Yelo deviations and thus doesn't introduce versioning conflicts.
The shared data files system in OS_Tool works based on the the "mod" concept. There are currently two new commands added to tool, one of them being a variant 'build-cache-file'. The user specifies the "mod" name, the scenario being built and if the cache requires the memory upgrades. From here, the stock data files are copied and renamed into the "data_files" folder, which is a child folder in "maps".
For example, for h2ce: "maps\data_files\h2ce-bitmaps.map".
Since the mod's data files are based around the stock data files, original maps made prior to OS will still play just fine without any special un\loading during game play. I'm only recommending that custom shared data files be used for campaign mods.
Since OS_Tool is based around tool's code, there shouldn't be any instability except what of which was already there. The option to build a regular cache file a la "tool.exe" is still there along with all original commands.
Another option I'm considering allowing is a globals tag override, so you can easily use different globals for different scenarios. Plus I have a few other ideas up my sleeve, one of which some of you scripters may particuarlly like.
Current memory upgrade testing is based around a 50% increase in maximum tag instances and tag memory, and with a maximum cache size of 512MB (any cache type, even UI). This may change come release.
I tried making Yelo decently stable, but it still has its issues (especially when you don't grasp whats being executed, lack of documentation aside), like the statistics code which causes a crash when killing an AI unit. I should have this fixed in the next Yelo release as I wasn't testing on any AI maps when I originally created the code (after all, CE is suppose to be MP only :downs:). It could be worse; only two people actually test it internally (down to one since bitter isn't active)
I would test it in bitter's place, but I know what your going to say already.
lmao. Are you serious Jcap? Our answer is no.
So you're not using OS? Lmao
Lmao @ your lmao ^
I wanted to put a really rude comment here but i refrained.
bad choice
you've gotta be kidding me
Why not release an OS version of SPv2 along with a regular version, so that people who have issues with file sizes and bandwidth can also get SPv2? Therefore everyone's happy, except for the people who :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:omfghate:mad::mad::mad: pirates.
We asked Dennis about the OS/SPv2 issues, and he convinced us that non-OS was the way to go.
What did he reason?
Also, if you try to do that one with and without OS idea for any of your MP maps, if they're using the custom shared data files people won't be able to play together if one of them is using OS and one isn't due to cache differences. However if its just for SP like I recommend, then all is savvy
Remember, we're dealing with people who have a much lower understanding and aptitude than us.
Eh, Dennis did raise a good point though. I heard there are many issues with running CE on newer/64bit versions of Windows.
I need to +rep Dennis. That was the first reasonable and intelligent post in favor of not-OS in this thread.
His views are valid, but I'm surprised that he, as a webmaster, is willing to subject himself to more bandwidth rape in exchange for playability.
It takes even less effort to run an exe that will put it there. Another dumb reason. Plus, you're bitching about them having to add a single fucking DLL? Are you shitting me? So that's a big deal and adding maps to the maps folder isn't? Really?
Longass post incoming later.
And Masters, you're a fucking retard because he never even said no in that. He gave you his opinion, but there's SO many holes in there that you clearly don't have the brain capacity to fill.
I think I speak for everyone when I say this is getting really fucking old, can we stop now?
I believe we had that answered last time when the truce was called, but when Masters broke it...
You can post but I'm not going to waste my time reading it. Dennis gave us good reasons not to use OS, even though he would host if we chose to use it, even though he doesn't think it's the right way to go.
Stop being such a cry baby bitch and over it. Surely you can get a less retarded team to use OS.
The problem with that is, we've given you even more good reasons to use OS. There is more good from using OS than bad. Quit being so stubborn and just use the damned thing.
Did you read Dennis's PM? Obviously not, because there's more bad than good.
Personally I think more people would download the mod if it were 3gb as opposed to 10 gb (example figures). I also believe that if the mod were less limited, that would also get more downloads. And the people with difficulties running halo ce already have most likely given up on the game, so there's no use in catering to them (considering they're a small minority anyway, even if they haven't given up on it). Placing a single .dll file is as easy as placing maps in the map folder. If that's not enough for you, it could be made even easier if you'd simply make an install for the entire mod to simplify the process further, thereby eliminating the need for a readme and the use of half a brain to understand what you're supposed to do to get the mod to work.
When I was talking to you, I was using example figures. If you want to look at the real file sizes, then I'd much rather download 400mb instead of 1.5gb.
May not be politics or religion, but the idea still applies.Quote:
Does the human being reason? No; he thinks, muses, reflects, but does not reason...That is, in the two things which are the peculiar domain of the heart, not the mind,--politics and religion. He doesn't want to know the other side. He wants arguments and statistics for his own side, and nothing more.
- Mark Twain's Notebook
Well you believed Barack Obama was a Muslim, so I don't really care what you "personally believe". The point is, placing a single DLL file that doesn't work on the majority of computers isn't an option we want to follow. You say use an installer, majority of people aren't going to use an installer, and it still doesn't solve the problem of systems that are incompatible with OS.
They'll use an installer if you put it there.
Also, when the fuck did I say I believed Barack Obama was a muslim? Even if you meant that as an example belief, that was still an incredibly stupid one to use.
PS i will not be downloading this if its too big. Thats just me, the most important Halo player in the history of the game
another thing, most people aren't going to want to waste 10gb (?) of space on a fucking halo mod
How about unrared? Considering that's the size it's going to take up on your comp when you're playing the mod.
3.1 gigs. If you don't have 3.1 gigs free on your harddrive then you obviously have to much of something.
Dennis' test machine is what he uses to test everything uploaded to halomaps (I assume), thus if open sauce can't run on it, one could again assume that a significant number of other pc's won't be compatible with it.
Regardless, the argument is that open sauce has not been proven to work with the majority of machines either.
Masters tends to blow shit out of proportion in order to weigh towards his view. Denying that the positives of OS are not positives, but only opinions shows his complete disregard for anyone but himself.
Oh, really? A gig and a half? I'm willing to bet that with OS, you can have it a gig and a half uncompressed.
"lalalalalalala not listening lalala"
Again, I said you're a fucking retard because you can't fill the holes.
So, because you are mentally incapacitated, I'll fill them in for you:
- He claims that he has had several OS dlls submitted, but they all crashed. Both Kornman and I would absolutely love to know what these are, or even what he was doing to test them. Chances are, they were either shitty coding or Dennis did it wrong (though I doubt the latter is likely). Additionally, why have we never heard about them on Modacity? They surely would have posted it here with a link to an external host. Or if they were having issues, they would have posted about it. But we got neither.
- You have to remember that you have Kornman, the same person who GAVE YOU THE TOOLS YOU HAVE NOW, and the one who made Yelo Battery. How horrific was Battery? It completely killed CE with crashes, right? RIGHT?!? It's not a novice coder who is seeing Blam! for the first time. Hell, he pulled the shared cache files off over the weekened.
- There is no difference between ANY version of Windows or a 32/64-bit system with a DirectX hook. For one, CE runs 32-bit, so that immediately knocks 64-bit out of the picture. Second, it's a HOOK. It loads into memory at the launch of the game. Memory addresses are the same for every computer because it's determed by the app, so there's no chance for it not to work. Also, GOD FORBID there is another CE update, it won't prevent CE from starting - it would just not load into memory (or it will, but it won't do damage). If you don't believe it, then there's no problem with testing from Windows 98 up through Windows 7 x64.
- It's no more difficult to download a DLL than it is to download a map. It would be universally accepted regardless.
- There is a slim-to-none chance that there will be any problems. Halo isn't complex. It has a very small job to do, and it does it right.
- OS IS what we want. It makes it EVEN EASIER AND SIMPLER to play the game. It IS just a download and play, just like a map.
- This isn't an untested and unproven app. This is a solid extension that uses Halo's own ability to open shared cache files. It's taking advantage of something that was previously very very very difficult to do, which zTeam and maybe H2CE had done with their own bitmaps/sounds.map
Also, we already have zTeam using it. They're smart enough to realize its advantages. At least they don't have a shitdick mis"leader".
Since space won't be a problem for me, just out of curiosity: What computer specs would you recommend for a good experience? Mine runs with XP with 2.25ghz (3.00 intel chip but had to be clocked down because of some problems), 1.00gigs ram, and ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 megs.
Bare in mind, this is a 5 year computer that I've had since I joined GBX. ;)
I think a poll should be posted and people should vote on whether or not they want OS
good lord, this is a more heated debate than abortion and gay marriage combined
We're not using it.
We as a team have made our decision on this a while ago, this is the end...the end my true friend (yes I don't know the lyrics).
No CMT members post below this line!:
I'm still waiting on a response to this
- He claims that he has had several OS dlls submitted, but they all crashed. Both Kornman and I would absolutely love to know what these are, or even what he was doing to test them. Chances are, they were either shitty coding or Dennis did it wrong (though I doubt the latter is likely).
- You have to remember that you have Kornman, the same person who GAVE YOU THE TOOLS YOU HAVE NOW, and the one who made Yelo Battery. How horrific was Battery? It completely killed CE with crashes, right? RIGHT?!? It's not a novice coder who is seeing Blam! for the first time. Hell, he pulled the shared cache files off over the weekened.
- There is no difference between ANY version of Windows or a 32/64-bit system with a DirectX hook. For one, CE runs 32-bit, so that immediately knocks 64-bit out of the picture. Second, it's a HOOK. It loads into memory at the launch of the game. Memory addresses are the same for every computer because it's determed by the app, so there's no chance for it not to work. Also, GOD FORBID there is another CE update, it won't prevent CE from starting - it would just not load into memory (or it will, but it won't do damage). If you don't believe it, then there's no problem with testing from Windows 98 up through Windows 7 x64.
- It's no more difficult to download a DLL than it is to download a map. It would be universally accepted regardless.
- There is a slim-to-none chance that there will be any problems. Halo isn't complex. It has a very small job to do, and it does it right.
- OS IS what we want. It makes it EVEN EASIER AND SIMPLER to play the game. It IS just a download and play, just like a map.
- This isn't an untested and unproven app. This is a solid extension that uses Halo's own ability to open shared cache files. It's taking advantage of something that was previously very very very difficult to do, which zTeam and maybe H2CE had done with their own bitmaps/sounds.map
IN THE REALS, its their mod and they should do what they want with it IMO TBH
oh no, masters is gone :(
better to run than lose, heh
Actually, I recall CMT agreeing that you would use OS if it worked as expected. Now where was that?
Oh right, there it is!
Trying to keep conflicting opinions from seeping out? Or just running out of ways to embarrass yourselves?
No :downs: below this line!:
Uh, been reading this thread... Sounds like someone really loves there mod.
Tbh, I think that Internet drama shouldn't exist. :(
I mean.. we don't even know each other in real life! (most of us, lmao)
And, we don't even own there mod, its there's to mess around with. Hth.
I do recall being pushed (blackmailed?) into using OS even though we didn't need it. Here's an idea: we'll release an OS version and a non-OS version. The only way this could possibly piss you off is if you :mad::mad::mad:omghate:mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!1 1! pirates and wanted the CMT maps to screw them over due to OS being 1.08 only.
I attempted to upload open sauce to halomaps, which was just the default code with the statistics section commented out, and it was working fine for me, of course I haven't actually played against anyone with it, only ai, but I don't think Dennis actually tests maps beyond starting the game, starting the map and walking around for a bit. Also modacity was informed that I intended to upload it to halomaps (in the open sauce "seven ate nine" thread), just look through my posts, I haven't made that many yet.
Actually to my admittedly limited knowledge there hasn't been that much testing, but I've been using Kornman's Kornman 00 app (scince it can edit UI widget tags) almost without fault for some time, so I feel there would be nothing wrong with open sauce. As I already said the sauce itself seems to work too (until I tried to open Sapien with the .dll in place, Sapien didn't like that)(I wanted to try and script a map using the gravity function/command).
My C drive on my desktop has less free space than that, luckily I still have a large amount of space on the secondary drive though. Video editing is a hobby of mine, and there's alot of un-compressed .avi files on both drives for my various film projects.
That is a good idea in my opinon. Finish the campaign then release it as it is and make another version with as much as possible bundled into shared files, which logiclly would take up less precious disk space. Also you might be able add the Delta Halo UI theme back into the open-sauced, shared map version, especially if you can put more than just bitmaps and sounds into the shared maps (although the ui_widget_definition tags probablly don't take up that much space anyway).
Of course you can release two versions, but you originally said you weren't going to because it's just stupid to have duplicate releases. What would aggravate me is if you ignore the OS version and praise the pirate one as the "only" one.
I really do think you should make the first 2-4 levels available as "demo" levels, though. Then anyone who has pirated the game knows what they are missing, and they can get the full one. They'll still get to experience it, and they'll notice your work, but just not fully unless they buyitthe full retail version of Halo.
This really is as stupid of a decision as it would be for a developer to make their game using DirectX 8 so they can support Windows 95 instead of using DirectX 9, 10, or 11.
It would be smartest to have one version and to do it right.
I'm currious who was giving Dennis these "multiple dlls" or if he was trying to do these for server builds instead of client (which at the time weren't tested). I run Vista with the latest 1.08 patch and have no problems.
Why wouldn't Dennis bring up these issues of stability on his "test" machine so that I could help troubleshoot? He just kept quiet, I never *heard* anything about this until now.
I only have 30gb for my vista partition on my MacBook. I used the beta version of bootcamp and have had problems with trying to expand my partition size. While I have an external drive which I install most everything to, HCE is on my C drive. I only have 2gb-ish of space left. This "10gb issue" affects me too.
*Unless they buy the game.
This thread is just reminding me of
Seriously since when has modacity had such a cluster of bitchers who are bitching about the same subject in more than 5 ways?
I thought this thread was locked to try and get away from everyone sliding bad after the massive shit fight last time... i guess everyone missed the banana peel and fell over.
LOL no offense but CMT bores me, love Teh Lags and Dano's input though.
This whole issue is feckin lame... grow up and stop caring so much about a re-creation single player mod. So yah let Masterz and his team decide to do whatever they want (respectively not fuckin Kornman around) and hopefully enable them to create what they were hoping to create from the beginning. This whole issue seems to be halting progress... so its unhealthy.
I think it's really immature that there are administrators that are attacking members of their forum and abusing their power to do so.
The irony of such a priviledge....
i'm going to voice my opinion on this even though some of you may not give a shit, I noticed hardly any of you actually acknowledge me, but here I am:
After reading through this painful, idiotic argument about how shit should go down, I've come to the conclusion that CMT has chosen the direction as to how they feel they should approach the release and finishings of the mod appropriately. To some (most?) of you who may not like the tiny fact that you don't approve of their actions, who are YOU to say they can't? You may not realize it, but most of the ideas and presentations to help build this mod have come from this community (Yeah, that's right, Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it), but that still give you no right to boast or think that your opinion matters most towards things (ex. SPv2). If you're asking "Well, Why not?" Then you need to snap out of your egotistical world and realize that you weren't the one enjoying (The reason I don't say any painful word like "slaving" is because, well, why would they slave over something they've worked so much on? If at all, they're almost finished because they enjoy what they're doing.) and staying up full nights to try and help build it with higher potential than what really COULD have been (Kudos to those who have).
I'm not trying to break anyone down, and even though I may not have added a lot to this insight. I want you to know, for the sake of being a human, that pointing fingers, guilting, or even arguing against an opinion and turning it into something personal isn't the way to go if you don't want to slow down progress in any situation. Treat others the way you want to be treated and Respect one another.
Yeah, you read correctly, I threw in a golden moral.
Don't think you knew all of this before you read it because by how the situation seems, that type of mindset is what creates the drama.
I'm done for now.
Go ahead, take it in. It's good for you.
Edit: ^^ Good post AAA and as they say "What he said......"
To jcap: I noticed that you mention Halo runs in 32-bit and that cuts 64-bit systems out of the picture. (Correct me if I am wrong on that but it was in one of your bullet points a couple pages back.) I just wanted to say that a friend of mine runs a 64-bit version of Vista and Halo PC and Halo CE run just fine on it. I do not know however if OS will work on it or not or if a .dll created by OS will work or not it so I can't say much for that there. (Just tell me if I read your bullet point wrong and if this post was un-needed on that point above.)
On the note of OS though...
Dennis has made valid points as have many of you who wish Masterz would use OS. My input is that if Masterz and the CMT team do not wish to use OS then that should be respected hopefully by most if not all of you. Yes I know however that there will be "critics" and will press to ochange their minds. But they as a team have decided that they will not use OS for their mod. But here is the catch 22, many features and neccessities that come from using OS will not be in the mod and that is their lose. But their win is that, as a team, they decided to not use OS for their reasons, whether they be good or bad.
I personally have waited for this mod a long time and will download/play it whether or not is uses OS, no matter how big it is. I have space on my HDD and have a secondary with a shitload of space where I keep things stored. I do not play many games on the PC however so I can't speak for those other people who play many games.
What I don't understand is why this argument is still going on about them using OS......
Edit 2: Also I personally haven't used OS yet because I don't map/mod nor have needed to download it to use yet.....