Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
I'm currious who was giving Dennis these "multiple dlls" or if he was trying to do these for server builds instead of client (which at the time weren't tested). I run Vista with the latest 1.08 patch and have no problems.
Why wouldn't Dennis bring up these issues of stability on his "test" machine so that I could help troubleshoot? He just kept quiet, I never *heard* anything about this until now.
I only have 30gb for my vista partition on my MacBook. I used the beta version of bootcamp and have had problems with trying to expand my partition size. While I have an external drive which I install most everything to, HCE is on my C drive. I only have 2gb-ish of space left. This "10gb issue" affects me too.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
Of course you can release two versions, but you originally said you weren't going to because it's just stupid to have duplicate releases. What would aggravate me is if you ignore the OS version and praise the pirate one as the "only" one.
I really do think you should make the first 2-4 levels available as "demo" levels, though. Then anyone who has pirated the game knows what they are missing, and they can get the full one. They'll still get to experience it, and they'll notice your work, but just not fully unless they buy it.
This really is as stupid of a decision as it would be for a developer to make their game using DirectX 8 so they can support Windows 95 instead of using DirectX 9, 10, or 11.
It would be smartest to have one version and to do it right.
F- NO :gonk:
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
*Unless they buy the game.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
I'm currious who was giving Dennis these "multiple dlls" or if he was trying to do these for server builds instead of client (which at the time weren't tested). I run Vista with the latest 1.08 patch and have no problems.
Why wouldn't Dennis bring up these issues of stability on his "test" machine so that I could help troubleshoot? He just kept quiet, I never heard anything about this until now.
I only have 30gb for my vista partition on my MacBook. I used the beta version of bootcamp and have had problems with trying to expand my partition size. While I have an external drive which I install most everything to, HCE is on my C drive. I only have 2gb-ish of space left. This "10gb issue" affects me too.
Korn accidently the word heard? D:
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
This thread is just reminding me of
Seriously since when has modacity had such a cluster of bitchers who are bitching about the same subject in more than 5 ways?
I thought this thread was locked to try and get away from everyone sliding bad after the massive shit fight last time... i guess everyone missed the banana peel and fell over.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
LOL no offense but CMT bores me, love Teh Lags and Dano's input though.
This whole issue is feckin lame... grow up and stop caring so much about a re-creation single player mod. So yah let Masterz and his team decide to do whatever they want (respectively not fuckin Kornman around) and hopefully enable them to create what they were hoping to create from the beginning. This whole issue seems to be halting progress... so its unhealthy.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
I think it's really immature that there are administrators that are attacking members of their forum and abusing their power to do so.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
il Duce Primo
I think it's really immature that there are administrators that are attacking members of their forum and abusing their power to do so.
The irony of such a priviledge....
i'm going to voice my opinion on this even though some of you may not give a shit, I noticed hardly any of you actually acknowledge me, but here I am:
After reading through this painful, idiotic argument about how shit should go down, I've come to the conclusion that CMT has chosen the direction as to how they feel they should approach the release and finishings of the mod appropriately. To some (most?) of you who may not like the tiny fact that you don't approve of their actions, who are YOU to say they can't? You may not realize it, but most of the ideas and presentations to help build this mod have come from this community (Yeah, that's right, Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it), but that still give you no right to boast or think that your opinion matters most towards things (ex. SPv2). If you're asking "Well, Why not?" Then you need to snap out of your egotistical world and realize that you weren't the one enjoying (The reason I don't say any painful word like "slaving" is because, well, why would they slave over something they've worked so much on? If at all, they're almost finished because they enjoy what they're doing.) and staying up full nights to try and help build it with higher potential than what really COULD have been (Kudos to those who have).
I'm not trying to break anyone down, and even though I may not have added a lot to this insight. I want you to know, for the sake of being a human, that pointing fingers, guilting, or even arguing against an opinion and turning it into something personal isn't the way to go if you don't want to slow down progress in any situation. Treat others the way you want to be treated and Respect one another.
Yeah, you read correctly, I threw in a golden moral.
Don't think you knew all of this before you read it because by how the situation seems, that type of mindset is what creates the drama.
I'm done for now.
Go ahead, take it in. It's good for you.
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
Edit: ^^ Good post AAA and as they say "What he said......"
To jcap: I noticed that you mention Halo runs in 32-bit and that cuts 64-bit systems out of the picture. (Correct me if I am wrong on that but it was in one of your bullet points a couple pages back.) I just wanted to say that a friend of mine runs a 64-bit version of Vista and Halo PC and Halo CE run just fine on it. I do not know however if OS will work on it or not or if a .dll created by OS will work or not it so I can't say much for that there. (Just tell me if I read your bullet point wrong and if this post was un-needed on that point above.)
On the note of OS though...
Dennis has made valid points as have many of you who wish Masterz would use OS. My input is that if Masterz and the CMT team do not wish to use OS then that should be respected hopefully by most if not all of you. Yes I know however that there will be "critics" and will press to ochange their minds. But they as a team have decided that they will not use OS for their mod. But here is the catch 22, many features and neccessities that come from using OS will not be in the mod and that is their lose. But their win is that, as a team, they decided to not use OS for their reasons, whether they be good or bad.
I personally have waited for this mod a long time and will download/play it whether or not is uses OS, no matter how big it is. I have space on my HDD and have a secondary with a shitload of space where I keep things stored. I do not play many games on the PC however so I can't speak for those other people who play many games.
What I don't understand is why this argument is still going on about them using OS......
Edit 2: Also I personally haven't used OS yet because I don't map/mod nor have needed to download it to use yet.....
Re: Pardon Our (CMT's) Ignorance.
Originally Posted by
il Duce Primo
I think it's really immature that there are administrators that are attacking members of their forum and abusing their power to do so.
What power are they abusing? Are you honestly making half-assed comments like that? We're not attacking anyone. The administrators are not abusing their power.