Tbh, I like the illustration.
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Tbh, I like the illustration.
Everyone else:
Also, Spartan IIIs
E: Also, who's to say there weren't variants of the Mark V?
EE: Also, yet again another little quirk is that I don't actually see the unknown lieutenant in there. "I read your files Lieutenant, even the parts ONI didn't want me to"
Not surprised myself. Read http://www.rework3d.com/forums/viewt...868156#p868156
I'm not saying that isn't a bad thing.
Also one thing i noticed is on the bungie.net forums there was a poll that asked for "do you want reach to be class based" everyone almost replied no.
Like you said in that thread, bungiefags are too scared of change. We've had a standard Halo game 3 times, we could use something new. I read on that same update that something new was added in saying "It's so new it came with instructions". Interesting.
Yeah, I was just referencing my post over there so I didn't have to retype it :p. Didn't think you thought it was bad
Class based or not, I'm sure I'll enjoy the living daylights out of the next game. Knowing Bungie, it won't be your daddy or brosef's class based shooter game if that is even the case.
Personally, I don't want it to be class based because I think the very idea of 'class based' as applied to Spartans is fucking idiotic. Spartans are supposed to be highly trained in all aspects of warfare. Saying 'this spartan can do somesuch, but this other spartan can't' just makes no sense to me.
By class based I don't mean in the TF2 style where you can't pick up new weapons. I meant more as in starting weapon class based. Such as the sniper class will spawn with a sniper rifle and a battle rifle, but if you want to say "fuck it nevermind i didnt want that" but dont want to kill yourself, just pick up a different weapon.
Yeah, having a spartan NOT be able to pick up a weapon would be ridiculous.
Classes of Spartans would also suggest that their armor would be more focused on their use. You have to remember that Spartans are humans too. They have natural talents. John had luck :downs:.
While you can train someone in all aspects, sometimes they can pick things up like it's second nature. So it makes sense that some Spartans are fielded to be specific pieces in a puzzle (read: squad).
With ODST and now Reach moving Halo games to be more squad based, specialized soldiers fit right in. However, even in ODST, they weren't limited in their weaponary abilities when you played them. It was always just a catagorization of those characters. As such, missions were fitted to make use (in game play) of that squad member's "natural" ability. EG, Romeo is the squad's sniper...hence that windward mission he was in.
In a team, you always want someone to have specialties, as we all have our strong suits and weaknesses. While there may be general areas you're all trained in (eg, medical), there will be areas where a certain member of the team is focused in (again, due to things coming natural or just being awesome)
Like at the beginning of Borderlands where you have 4 choices,
1. Siren who specializes in SMG's with perks to compliment this like rate of fire increases and what not.
2. Mordecai who specializes in Sniper Rifles and has perks to compliment this like faster reload or better accuracy.
Only with Halo and not so permanent through the duration of the game. Or at least I dont think so.
E: and since Korn ninja'd me I must add something to his post.
The specializations could not be because of the training or the spartan. Sometimes the military needs someone with a little better edge in certain areas. Even if all Spartans were IDENTICAL clones, the armor would surely make them play differently. If you were doing a demolition type mission, you wouldn't give a spartan recon style armor. Same way you wouldn't give a recon mission demolition armor. We never had this element because MC was the only one. He was the swiss army spartan for us because he was all we had. But now we have more than one. Need to blow shit up? Call on heavy. He can blow shit up better than the girl with a stick for an arm. But need to get somewhere quick? The girl in the skinny spartan suit and one forearms weight less than everyone is probably faster then the guy with a tank strapped to his back.