tbqh I wasn't pointing to the scores; I was pointing to the reviews themselves. Looking solely at review scores is a terribly ad hoc way to judge a game's merit.
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tbqh I wasn't pointing to the scores; I was pointing to the reviews themselves. Looking solely at review scores is a terribly ad hoc way to judge a game's merit.
That sucks that there's no Legendary ending. You know what would have been an awesome way to do bonus cinematics? A Legendary ending that compounded based on what other Halo games your profile completed on Legendary.
If you beat Halo 1, you'd get to see an extended scene where the Pillar of Autumn takes off. Then, if you beat Halo 2, you'd get to see a scene aboard The Arbiter's ship, where they begin their pursuit. After that, if you'd beaten ODST, you'd get to see a scene starring Buck getting off the planet. Then the Legendary ending for Reach, and finally, if you'd beaten Halo 3, a scene pertaining to the ultimate fate of the Chief.
It's supposed to be the last Halo game from Bungie, right? That would have been an excellent way to end things.
Except there's no way to tell if you beat Halo 1 or 2, let alone on legendary. The "bonus" mission serves an ending far better than a plugful legendary ending.
Wait, there's a legendary-only bonus mission at the end?
Hmm. I forgot there were no achievements for Halo 1 and 2.
You could always connect to bungie servers and check if you have a halo PC key or halo 2 stats.
I'd ask this too, but I actually don't want to know.
I pick the game up in 24 hours from now (Midnight Launch UK) and I'll be quite happy learning about all the 'spoilerish' stuff after I've finished the campaign through.
I've been spoiler dark for over a month now so I'm dying to play it and every time someone says 'Reach' in a sentence I get a little excited... my friends are abusing this fact though... but I'm sure they're hiding their excitement for the Midnight release.
Anyway - see you on the other side of the release guys!
Just wondering if anyone knows, how many custom loadouts can be used at once in custom gametypes? And can custom loadouts be used in Firefight?