Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
The LT and this dude, whom looks like Sgt Forge, appear to be the cut cheese of John. The LT bringing the Lone Wolf and strong silent type to the mix, while the Forge dude brings the (squad) leader aspects John had with his other Spartans (only seen outside the games really).
In this way they not only have very specific characters (even up to a leader type) but also the swiss army knife Spartan which gives the player the freedom to define how they think this LT battles.
In really is just ODST all over again, with some refinements, when analyzed
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
By class based I don't mean in the TF2 style where you can't pick up new weapons. I meant more as in starting weapon class based. Such as the sniper class will spawn with a sniper rifle and a battle rifle, but if you want to say "fuck it nevermind i didnt want that" but dont want to kill yourself, just pick up a different weapon.
Yeah, having a spartan NOT be able to pick up a weapon would be ridiculous.
Everybody would just spawn with snipers or rockets since they control the flow of gameplay. Play Fiesta, you'll see what I mean.
I like the semi-retro way of having weapon pickups throughout the map. Waiting for shit to respawn is the only thing that pisses me off about it.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Yeah, now that I'm thinking about that it would be odd to spawn with other weapons.
However, the classes could still have different abilities.
Maybe the scout/runner has a faster speed, but a slower recharging shield and less health.
The Heavy (Jorge) could have a slower walking speed, but on assault maps has a slower bomb diffusal time. Higher shields, and more bullet deflection.
These are just ideas, of course I wouldn't actually use that, but I'm just trying to show what I mean by classes.
I also would like to see an onslaught/warfare based game mode. It would be interesting to see in Halo.
It would be interesting to see, but I doubt classes will happen, but i hope they add SOMETHING new that changes the way it's played. I'm kind of sick of the standard gameplay the past 3 Halo games have had. Halo 1's wasn't bad, thats not the point, but at some time you gotta try something new rather than pussing out and milking the cash cow.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
If a class-based shooter is going to allow players to pickup other weapons (which really isn't a classed-based shooter in my books), then there aught to be repercussions for bucking the trend of your chosen class. MW2 failed at this by focusing their perks mainly on the player's global traits (speed, sprint, radar, stealth) instead of the guns they were supposed to be specializing in.
An example would be, if you spawn as a heavy-weapons class, then when you pick up a sniper rifle, it should do less damage and have worse accuracy. Know your place, and you will be a credit to your team. But if you're spawning simply for class-based perks (extra health, faster speed, etc), only to run off and grab another gun, you should expect to be worthless to your teammates.
Just my thoughts. If Reach is going to try to be class-based, they better do it in a fun, balanced, and logical way.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Another theory is that there are specific class loadouts already selected and you have to pick one, and there's a limit per team.
Alot like America's Army. At the beginning of each game, there was a loadout selection sheet, that already had a predefined number of classes per team (3 riflemen, 1 grenadier, two snipers, two medics)
You had to choose at the very beginning and it was always a rush to see what you would have left by the time everyone chose. However, it was even fun if you didn't get the class you wanted.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Rainbow was just a term I used to denote multicoloured suits.
Also, we heard they were Sparta-IIIs from a second hand source. Even if they are Spartan-IIIs, they were all equipped with SPI armour, which had a form of active camouflage anyways. All but two of the original S-IIIs were killed before Ghosts of Onyx, and that book takes place after Halo 2 anyways, which is long after Reach was glassed. Bungie's game world or not, it would be extremely sloppy for them to drop Spartan IIIs into Reach from a Halo-lore standpoint.
Also, there were variants of the Mk. V, as mentioned in the Halo Encyclopedia (Security is one of them). I think what some of us are complaining about the chunky disproporionality in the trailer. It looks straight-up stupid and not at all conducive to the fluid, almost ninja-like movement that the Spartans are supposed to have. Even the Mk. IV as described in the book was sleeker than what we saw in the trailer.
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Assuming class type action is seen in this version of the engine, I wonder what kinds of playlist configurations will theyl be able to pimp out. They would probably keep the class type definition separate from the game type (assuming class types are even configurable). Would mosdef be interesting for the matchmaking maintainers (Stosh I think?)
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Originally Posted by
Rainbow was just a term I used to denote multicoloured suits.
Also, we heard they were Sparta-IIIs from a second hand source. Even if they are Spartan-IIIs, they were all equipped with SPI armour, which had a form of active camouflage anyways. All but two of the original S-IIIs were killed before Ghosts of Onyx, and that book takes place after Halo 2 anyways, which is long after Reach was glassed. Bungie's game world or not, it would be extremely sloppy for them to drop Spartan IIIs into Reach from a Halo-lore standpoint.
Also, there were variants of the Mk. V, as mentioned in the Halo Encyclopedia (Security is one of them). I think what some of us are complaining about the chunky disproporionality in the trailer. It looks straight-up stupid and not at all conducive to the fluid, almost ninja-like movement that the Spartans are supposed to have. Even the Mk. IV as described in the book was sleeker than what we saw in the trailer.
You want to know who controls the canon of the series?
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach
Doesn't mean that armour with retarded proportionality isn't stupid looking. :v:
Re: The Upcoming: Halo Reach