5 hours on normal here.
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5 hours on normal here.
Got the game today around 1pm EST. Took about 8 hours solo heroic, and there were some surprisingly difficult areas. I found myself resorting to Legendary tactics on heroic, which I never have to do. It feels a lot more like Halo 1 difficulty style. I really enjoyed the campaign- no real annoying missions like Cortana from H3, but
The music was awesome too. I guess I need to play through it a few more times before I can make a real judgment of it. At the least I can say that Bungie knows how to make things look epic, and the game is beautiful.
One thing I hate about Legendary at the moment is that the marines fucking suck at prioritizing targets when they're the gunner in a warthog. They'll shoot a wraith for two seconds then do a 180 to shoot at a goddamn grunt for five minutes that they can't even hit >:C
Finished first run on Heroic. Overall, a good campaign. I'll play it through again a few times, but Halo 1 remains my favorite campaign. I thought they did a lot of things right and a few nagging, annoying things wrong.
- I thought the big revelation was a ridiculous retcon that made zero sense.
- Fucking HUNTERS! What the shit? Bungie just keeps making them more obnoxious to fight.
- Infinitely spawning enemies? There goes my Kill 'Em All runs. In fact, I'm not sure if I even care to replay the game unless I can Kill 'Em All.
- Military jargon and assaulting AA's: sick of it. Halo was best when everybody else is fucking dead and it's just you fucking shit up. The only thing I worried about coordinating was my foot up Covenant ass.
- It's too hard to find decent weapons when you need them. Probably why this game is tougher than it ought to be.
- Armor abilities are too defensive in a game where the best defense is a potent offense.
- Health packs. Why bother?
For those of you who have beat the game and like scrambled eggs:
So I beat the game last night sometime past midnight, and damn, was it amazing, especially the last few levels. The only thing that really pissed me off were the Brute Chieftains with Fuel Rod Guns...what the fuck...
You need to be on legendary and you must wait until after wave 4 ends before the switch will appear. ALL AI does NOT need to be dead - only enough to set the waypoint for Dr. Halsey's lab.
The sound playing in the background of the terminals is exactly the same as in Halo 3. There's 18 sounds total, despite there being more than 18 terminals/data pads.
What's with all the ODST hate? I for one thought ODST's campaign was a lot more fun than Halo 3's. I guess it's a particular play style- I'm by nature a defensive combatant.
I'm enjoying Reach so far, 3 levels in on Legendary after 3 hours. The hunters are extremely obnoxious- it doesn't seem like there's enough ammo to spray bullets at their front, there definitely aren't enough explosives to take them out that way, so you're forced to try and get behind them, which I'm finding overly difficult when there are two of them watching each other's backs. Still, it only takes me a few deaths before I finish the encounter, so it's not too bad.
I have to say, the music is completely hit and miss for me. I absolutely adore the drums and strings sections that are reminiscent of previous Halo games but embody Reach's unique theme, but what the hell is this synth/guitar crap? It sounds completely out of place, and it sounds more dated than the music in Halo 1.