I only registered just to post this.
It's a nice source Korn, though it's very poorly documented. I had to search around to even figure out which address is which in the engine pointer functions.
It's a pity to say that you basically wasted your time with this. Not many on this forum are even capable of programming in C++ and even if they can, it requires an extensive knowledge of not only the language itself but also about the engine.
I would be able to use the source but I would not because I, like many developers, prefer to write my own style of code (even though yours would be more clean, efficient etc.). So, for whom did you write this?
If it's meant for the general public so they can call the ToggleMultiTeamVehicles() function and say that they coded a proxy dll, then you don't really have my support.
It took us months, even years to figure out stuff like this why should we (you) open the doors so easily? This source code and how it's handled shows very well that not the resources given make a great product but the dedication and intentions behind it. It would have been better that you mapped out the engine, documented parts and how they worked.
I don't want to show off but if I am already here...similar to Bitters: