:O Difficulty? I just reached 100k, still nothing I want to spend it on =\.
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:O Difficulty? I just reached 100k, still nothing I want to spend it on =\.
Finished campaign on Heroic, screwed around in Firefight a bit, and played precisely one Matchmaking game before stopping.
The campaign's not nearly as smart, affecting, or well-written as Bungie seems to think it is, but it's still far ahead of the convoluted tangle of retcons and loose plot threads that was Halo 3. Having a self-contained story that makes the game approachable while still tying it in to the trilogy was a much better plan. Oh and it's pretty fun to play too, although I never really got the feeling that I was participating in a planet-scale war. There's still a lot of improvement and change from H3, which is very nice seeing how similar H2 and 3 were. Looks like Bungie really can make a great sequel if they try.
I only played one Matchmaking game because I have other shit to get done as soon as I finish this post, but it was a Team Elite Slayer match on Reflection, and it was actually quite enjoyable. Holograms are so fun to screw around with. No doubt I'll start hating it again as soon as I get up into higher ranks, but first impressions are very, very good across the board.
Oh, and I looked at Forge World for ~10 seconds before getting overwhelmed and backing out to go play around with the Firefight settings.
I've only spent 4k on armour, the rest has been saved. Lots of matchmaking, lots of FF :D lots of winning. Apparently I've won 26 competitive games.
I think I'm already addicted =\, I've never seen anyone above my rank, and I've never seen any one same as my rank (Warrant Officer Grade 1) and I'm so keen to keep that up lol. Once you hit warrant officer, wow it goes super slow. 33000 is my current target.
I don't know how I missed it the first run through the campaign but to anyone who wants the "If They Came to Hear Me Beg" achievement
Yeah Timo, but its CRAZY hard. You need to NOT be sprinting in the air, otherwise it won't count. So run jump, then when your above him push back on left stick, then go for assassination.
So uhhh, where is the legendary commentary?
Finished the campaign, now I can return to Modacity without getting spoiled by the front page's summary bar XD
Anyone not able to trigger credits if playing coop on live? Also, I was playing with a few friends from Bungie and they have the coolest visor ever...