Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by Jcap
Tip of the Spear, however, really angered me at the part right before you get on to the falcon. The two hunters in the AA turret SUCK, and there's literally no ammo or healthpacks anywhere on that level.
I just did this bit, I agree it was a pain with those hunters, so I went around the corner, pushed the coveneant weapon box thingy where you get that sticky launcher, and pushed it to the edge of that cliff, jumped up and blew up the AA gun without encountering hunters. Although you do have to defend the area, thats just slowly picking away at the hunters, nothing too hard.
Originally Posted by
Anyway, only Exodus (my most hated level), The Halsey Lab Battle and the final encounter that are going to pain me to complete on legendary now... Unfortunately I'm moving 300 miles to Bournemouth tomorrow morning so i probably won't have solo legendary done for a good few days yet.
Welcome to Dorset :D Enjoy your stay, you'll be living 40 miles in distance from me :D
Jorge, for someone that has a fucking mini gun, he sure does bitch alot that hes taking fire from a single grunt.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
For that part, I just used a Plasma Pistol and DMR combo to beat the Zealot. I shower the grunts with frags and bullets as they walk into the arena though.
The Hunters have a major weakness at last! The needler explosion does so much damage to them. It takes 2-3 in Heroic and probably more on Legendary. Still, it's a start. Also, the Rocket Hog angers me; it doesn't lock on to anything but phantoms, which it really needs to lock onto ghosts, revenant, and Wraiths mainly because they're more obnoxious and frequent (although the Phantom is damn obnoxious now).
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I just ran over the Hunters with a Revenant. It takes a couple of passes to bring one down, but it's the easiest way I've found. Also, you can use the Revenant as a platform to get up to the AA.
I just beat Exodus again on Legendary. Anyone notice how inconsistent the checkpoints are? Much more than usual. If you play the same level twice, you'll notice checkpoints that you expect to be there from the first run don't pop, or vice-versa. So annoying. Also of note: if you have an FRG than you plan to backtrack and recover after you finish a battle, it will disappear if you kill more than 1 enemy that has a FRG. It's happened to me twice.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
So I'm playing through it again on Heroic, and based on how much I'm raging at the bullshit I find myself subjected to, I doubt I'm doing Legendary anytime soon.
I cannot stress just how retarded friendly AI is. Tip of the Spear, that marine that guns on the rocket warthog managed to wipe out the entire platoon of marines on the bridge before the zealot encounter. Pillar of Autumn, Emile refuses to uncrouch with his shotgun as I'm sitting in a vehicle under fire for him to get in. In fact, I always love how friendlies take their sweet time in walking up to the vehicle seats to get in them when I'm under fire and OH SHIT WRAITH MORTAR INCO- shit I'm dead. I don't see why friendlies, especially other spartans, need to let the warthog chaingun spin down as they fire in bursts at single targets.
Enemies, on the other hand are too smart or otherwise annoying as hell. I can't count how many times an elite decided to take one step to the side the very nanosecond I pull the trigger on my sniper rifle and it misses, how many times I've died from grunts constantly spamming fuel rods, or how often I try to sneak up on anything to have it turn around at the very last second and bitchslap me into next week (e.g. elites, hunters).
I also agree with jcap and Arteen's view on Noble team's members. They're underdeveloped and there isn't enough interaction between them and the player to make one really care about their hastily thrown-in deaths when they happen. Also, was Halsey that much of a bitch in the books? On that note, anyone else notice how the main female characters in Bungie's games have the same exact "serious business turbobitch with the brains to run an op" personality?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Yea, I'm doing a heroic playthrough now. Enemies have a ridiculous pin-point accuracy and there needlers lock on from great distances. Friendlies are just stupid beyond belief, as p0lar explained. During the bull-frogs encounter, at least 4 of my friendlies jumped into the abyss.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
The only time I even give a shit about the friendly AI is when they're on my Warthog. That last part of Exodus that uses the firefight map, I gave a Marine my FRG, so he could ride shotgun. He was already in the passenger seat, I ordered him out, swapped weapons with him, and then got in the driver's seat. The dude just started running off with the FRG and some other marine hopped in the passenger. I pretty much had to kill every other Marine in the area, pull up right next to the FRG guy, and lay on the horn to get him in.
But on my next playthrough, the AI cooperated and did things properly. Weird.
I really wish they'd stay the fuck put when I hop out of the hog to flip a switch or something. At least wait 30 seconds before hopping out and stealing it. Shit. Do I have to crap the seat or something?
Anybody else miss Halo before the invincible inept AI companions took root? Felt more bad-ass on Legendary when all the humans are obliterated in 10 seconds and I was the last man standing.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Completed Legendary Single Player , Its easier when you use the hologram and also in the Alexandria level do the Easter Egg on the Disco room, that way the hunters are not in there it makes it alot easier.
Only 2 more achievements to get :D
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Needlers and Charged Plasma Pistols have ridiculous mid-air tracking.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Wow, who wrote these achievement descriptions? Halo Reach is the first game I've ever seen that numbers their 9 missions 2-10.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Mission 1 was the opening cutscene, just like H2 and H3.