Hey WO3, you address me as CPT Korn, not Korn :p
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I was the one who said it, damn you Korn and your fuel rod whoring ;)
Is anyone elses armour not updating on B.net?
I found my legendary play through much easier than heroic. Heroic sucked because for most fights there was generally only one way to go around them (like when you crash your warthog you have to immediately head far off the right if you don't want to instantly die). The only part I found lame was when you were defending the landing pad for Keyes to come down to. There was like two pistols and no DMRs, just assault rifles and shotguns. It was pretty interesting having to change my play style to sprinting ninja though.
Tim, there is a full crate of DMRs, along with a Sniper Rifle on the top deck of the central shack. Explore more.
WTF, I swear I went all the way through that building and only found a sniper rifle (just remembered) and a bunch of ARs :||
They turned it off for a while to reduce server stress
Finished my legendary run today. Was pretty easy.
I have to say, the last level is my least favorite in the game, its pretty boring and monotonous. The rest are absolutely fantastic, except for that the oni environments are used in two distant levels and the courtyard was used at least 3 times.
Is it just me, or did Bungie forget about the idle animations? Or did they stop with that a while ago?
Sick of playing infection on default maps where there's always a spot for the humans to camp the living shit out of zombies. All I want to do is play some FFA and everyone keeps voting for fucking Infection >:C
Kornman rapes with a tank. Hope yall have a big ass hole.
Is it just me...or are skirmishers the new drones?
Everytime I play firefight or score attack...they are the ONLY reason I die. The only.
The hop around and run at RETARDED FUCKIGN SPEEDS, and evade like elites on crack. It doesn't matter if they die fairly easy, there's always 20 of the fuckers
Also NO ONE ever votes for any race gametypes and it pisses me off. Everyone is too MLG or MLG wannabe to play race. This game is fun but I hate matchmaking for the sheer amount of the fucktards playing this game. Every game is a race for the sniper rifle or a stand off with some stagger walking/strafing DMR faggot.