Why the hell shouldn't kornman "open the doors"? Because we're all retards who don't know how to code? Because you're speshul for knowing how the engine works and you fear that if other people know stuff, you won't be so speshul? It's true that there are virtually no Win32 programmers in the CE community, but that isn't a reason to withhold resources from the general community.
It may be a waste of time, but if you knew anything about CE's history, you would know that the information pool has grown since CE's release, where all we had was a single tutorial on how to create a collision BSP and import it into the game. And guess who filled the pool? Everyone. If it weren't for people exploring and adding their knowledge and resources to the general collective, CE would have gone belly-up quicker than Halo 2 for Windows Vista.
I'm not saying that you need to tell us everything you need to know right now, but that you shouldn't be criticizing someone on releasing potentially valuable tools and information because the community is incapable or because knowing this information somehow makes you special.
PS: Snaf's post was correct, thank you very much. Plz2b fucking you're saelf.