Depending on the map and type I can rank around 1300+ per match, sometimes higher in score attack. The only issues I have with score attack are goddamn skirmishers....Oh wait I have issues with anything involving skirmishers...nevermind.
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Depending on the map and type I can rank around 1300+ per match, sometimes higher in score attack. The only issues I have with score attack are goddamn skirmishers....Oh wait I have issues with anything involving skirmishers...nevermind.
hoppy shit Lt. Colonel is 450000 total cR
Doesn't matter anyway, Bungie has cR capped at Captain right now.
The more and more I play this in standard matchmaking, the more and more it's starting to feel like previous iterations. That is, all everyone ever wants to play is Slayer DMRs; it's still strafing BR-wanking... plus sprint! Oh and don't forget the one person that keeps a mental alarm clock set on the rocket spawn.
I want to play a normal game of Team slayer instead of Swat... I don't like Swat. But everyone else seem to:/
Don't have a problem with Skrimishers. I just headshot them with the pistol or a Needle Rifle, and it's over for them. =|
Also, not getting where this whole "it's just like Halo 2/3 mathcmaking" hate is coming from. The only time I see whoring of the DMR-type weapons is when that's what you spawn with. I have yet to run into a case where the sniper rifle is whored (except on Bloodgulch, but hey, it's been that way since Halo 1). I dunno, maybe I'm just lucky.
Just got to Warrent Officer Grade 3 today, cant wait to get to Captain love the damn Daily Challenges they are addictive.
It's much easier to get headshots with the sniper rifle now :(
I'm only playing BTB, invasion, and firefight, since all the others are filled with swat and snipers kids.
On my way to CPT3 :-D
This guy must have never turned off his xbox in the last week