sure is opinions in here
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sure is opinions in here
Omfg, and I thought Kornman and I played too much Reach.
Hey does anyone know off hand if Jun's firefight voice says anything? I tried it out and it was silent as the grave, not even any grunts. o.O is this a bug or intentional? XD
If I didn't get a full nights sleep (~8hrs) every night, I'd be higher than him. He'll be a MAJ2 in 250cR-ish :ugh:
Yeah I'm already a Captain Grade 2, I'm working to Major and then after that I don't really care. I just want Jun's sniper chest then I'm all set on my Spartan for awhile. :P
quick question korn...whats the colour of the grass outside?
blood red \:maddowns:/!!!!
Brb, being lazy getting at least 1k a match in Gruntpocalypse.
Yay I beat campaign on legendary, but I missed out on the 5000 cR weekly challenge for it :(
Bleh the achievements
and somebody add me, I have like almost nobody on my friends list cause it got hacked and I only added the ones I remember and played the most.
Oh look at his achievements and look at his campaign progress. How do score legendary achievments when he never has done campaign.