I think the covenant ships later slip spaced on the other side of the ring and quickly caught up with the autumn. But ya their should have been long swords.
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I think the covenant ships later slip spaced on the other side of the ring and quickly caught up with the autumn. But ya their should have been long swords.
It was pretty awesome. However, I can't get over the fact that in the book, the Autumn was actually leaving Reach as the attack started, and ended up doubling back and taking part in the orbital engagement towards the end. Not once was it ever on the ground...and now that I think about it, there's a damn good reason for that; shit is too fucking heavy to get off the ground, even with those little midget rockets. Hell, it's a cruiser, and I think the books said that it wasn't built for atmospheric anyways...
Damn it Bungie, fucking with Nylund's awesome story.
I accepted that as a cooler way to tell the story from the ground. Getting to the docked ship looks a lot cooler than "tell the Autumn to come back to pick up this AI".
And as for the ending shot of the Autumn and Halo, it's more stylistic and less plot- the camera shot is different, it's the credits background. The battle above Halo just wasn't necessary.
I can deal with it though, the Autumn was absolutely gorgeous in this game.
Dr. Halsey's journal helps link the game and the books together pretty well. In plus, don't forget that the original trilogy of books is being rewritten to fit with the changes made by Reach.
That was the original theory, but later investigation revealed that the only changes would be some typo fixes and whatnot. The discrepancies between the books and the game are here to stay. Even so, I'm not that bothered by them. I consider each to work very well for its medium, and the end result is the same, so who really cares where the players were at any exact time.
Yeah, I don't really mind the discrepancies either, but it would be nice to have it all fit together nicely. Though, now I know that I'm not buying the new versions of the books, since I was expecting some pretty major changes.
I has problem, I think I hit some sort of cap to how much CR I can gain in score attack Matchmaking, anyone else experianced this?
Edit : NVM Im a noob ¬_¬