I like the fact theyre bringing health packs back
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I like the fact theyre bringing health packs back
I like the fact that you can sprint.
Animation features a smilar level of advancement. For the first time, Bungie has implemented motion capture. A majority of cinematic sequences are based on captured actions. Onscreen characters exhibit an animation technique called variable gait blending. Simply put, it means that as a character changes speed, the animation of walking blends seamlessly into running, which likewise, blends into sprinting. When turning on a pivot, players no longer appear to stand still and simply turn in a circle. In Halo Reach, they move realistically as they pivot, lifting their feet and moving their bodies in reaction. For facial work, Bungie enlisted the aid of Image Metrics, a company some gamers may recall....With their aid, human faces now appear dramatically more lifelike than in previous Halo games.
I find that everything there looks amazingly awesome, especially the Skirmishers. I've been waiting a long time to get something new in the enemies. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm not too fond of that single-shot sniper rifle there...
Arent all sniper rifles single shot?
Unless you mean in visual looks, it looks ok, I guess.
I think he means that Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR). It's not actually sniper rifle, but you probably know that.
Reach fell in only a few days. I wouldn't really call that a longish period of time. Sounds about the same length of time like any other Halo <#> game.
Glad to finally see an official word on them beeing SIIIs (save for Jorge) and that this isn't FoR: The Game. Should keep a few more story whores mouths shut.
says the guy referencing shotty cam shots of a magazine of a game still in the making.
Also, Spirit dropships + Phantom dropships in one game = most amazing thing of life :)
A bit underwhelmed, myself. I mean, I guess it will end up being a fun campaign experience, but I hope these aren't the only feature changes. I also think having an equipment for sprinting might be just a little too tacky.
Uhh you can still see a multitude of things that totally break previous canon. Face the facts KM, the Bungie that made the Halo we remember is dead. Stop sucking their dicks so much. :raise:
I don't think anyone expects a literal Halo 1 carryover on a new engine and set on Reach...but comon, how can you SERIOUSLY be defending Bungie on this latest crap?
Consistency is all I'm asking for and, previous to Halo Wars, we had a pretty consistent set of canon and rules concerning Halo.