I'm curious about Jun's FF voice. He asian, with a Japanese name, yet he talks like a dracula.
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I'm curious about Jun's FF voice. He asian, with a Japanese name, yet he talks like a dracula.
Thanks to p0lar, it's going to be a bitch to look a Jorges name the right way again.
Watch it. It's amazing.
I think Jun is actually Russian-like more than East-Asian-like.
Hahaha Forklift win!
That's the fastest I've seen the forklift move...
I enjoy tk'ing with the forklift in the Campaign.
59 achievements, 1250? DLC BABY :D
I'm willing to bet anything that the DLC is maps that were ready for the final game but they took them out so they wouldn't have to work on it after release.
I'm knee deep in Forge, figuring out how Invasion and Invasion Slayer work on a netgame flag level. It makes me realize that both modes are fairly half-assed -- or maybe half-hearted. I didn't even attempt Invasion, because my map isn't ideal for it and I didn't have the budget left to erect huge ugly force fields everywhere. I went ahead and implemented IS, but.... that's a pile of crap on a big map. They strip out all vehicles and randomly choose drop locations. I ran a test by myself and it chose the drop loaction closest to the enemy base. I even set the spawn sequence with 0 being the hill in the center of the map. It ignores it, apparently.
Well, maybe their next game will have a PC editor which has a proper level editor interface that doesn't require you to use all sorts of non-sense union fields for defining object properties.
I mean, what better way to secure your next game than by secretly making the previous one not as awesome or fully developed but including it in the next which is fully owned by you :trollface:?