Can someone please explain to me this beef with the Halo 2 Hunters? They were about as laughably easy as the Halo 1 iteration, just taller and scarier sounding.
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Can someone please explain to me this beef with the Halo 2 Hunters? They were about as laughably easy as the Halo 1 iteration, just taller and scarier sounding.
i think the idea is that their melees killed you faster and they could melee backwards. that was a big deal compared to halo 1, because it made approaching their back more difficult than halo 1. sniper rifles were still always a 1sk on hunters if you got them in the back though.
hunter melee in reach is ridiculous. i played through on NORMAL and one melee killed me. that one part where youre in that night club place with all the neon lights was fucking awful. 4 hunters. 2/3 of my total deaths in my first play through the campaign were due to those hunters.
I'll tell you a secret: shotguns and needle rifles are the Jesus against Hunters.Quote:
Originally Posted by Donut
They were still relatively easy, but I didn't care for them because of their 1-hit kill melees and high resistance to most non-sniper weapons. But it was great that they had a few more moves at their disposal and weren't complete jokes like in Halo 1. Halo 3 and ODST's Hunters were implemented much better.
1 Pistol shot to the back -- too easy. Everyone can agree on that. But what about one plasma stick to the back or one needle explosion to the back? Why can't that kill them? Must they be such obnoxious damage sponges? I say, 'NAY!'
Also, Remember how bad-ass you felt in Halo 1 when you rounded a corner and a sword Elite was bearing down on you and the only thing you could do to survive was to no-scope him with the sniper rifle? Not quite the same feeling when he doesn't go down in one shot.
To everyone complaining the Hunters are too hard:
They are kind of BS at times, but they're really not that difficult. You just have to be a lot more agressive with your circle strafing to keep them from using their stupid un-dodge-able melee swing. Also, they actually take damage from grenades now, so you can soften them up pretty well by tossing all your nades at them before closing.
Personally, I thought Legendary in Reach was way too easy. I hardly ever died in my whole first run, some levels (The Package) I didn't even die at all. I miss Halo 2's intense and punishing difficulty :(
its called normal difficulty, and them standing on a staircase that is inaccessible without going through them. its not to much the fact that its a 1sk, but that EVERY hunter melee is a 1sk on normal
and really, is it necessary to openly be a prick to me like this? im just stating my problem with hunters. warsaw and pooky's helpful comments are appreciated, your sarcastic, demeaning comments are not.