That's fixed in October. No need to panic about it. I hate SWAT too.
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I'm sure Shishka wasn't some kind of playlist dictator. The whole studio was playing the game and I'm sure they had input. It's when the whole studio moves on to the next project and stop playing the game that the playlist guys are left to their own devices. But really, all they do is listen to feedback.
i have to agree with rent (quote button is slow in response time TBH)
but way to much focus on long range gameplay now...its sooo fucking slow compared to halo 1
I see a lot of people bitching and moaning in here that despite how this game plays extremely well for the vast majority of people, it "doesn't fit exactly with MY idea of how it should be!" I'm a proponent criticism, but y'all are taking it too far. If you don't like the melee strength on elites, play on an easier difficulty. If you don't like the pistol, don't use it. You have choices here. Stop bitching, you sound like you think Bungie only lives to serve your particular needs.
swat rules
Complaining about poor game design choices and inconsistencies with the difficulty levels compared to previous games sounds like fair criticism to me.
I didn't know you were the authority on this sort of thing. Forgive me.
So if I don't want to be killed at full shields and health by a melee attack, I should play on easy? Great advice.
The fact that I have alternatives doesn't make a weapon suddenly not bad, especially when it's a spawn weapon and otherwise prominently featured in the game. Magnums in Halo 2 were absolutely useless and ill-conceived and I avoided them just fine, but they were still absolutely useless and ill-conceived.
Come on. No one's expecting Bungie to go patch campaign and make everything better, or think that Bungie owes us more than just the continued functionality of the game.
EDIT: And the HBO forums are full of complaints, too. Lots of love, but also lots of criticism/ So it's not just a handful of old-time, disgruntled CE players on a failed Halo 2 Vista fansite.
I know halo 1 wasn't long range at all
Actually I liked coagulation more, SMG spawns on that map were teh best because fuck being able to kill people
I love SWAT and Snipers. Snipers, if everyone has it, then it levels the playing field. Dont give me any BS about latency in SWAT either, I play against mostly Americans by the sound of their accents, and I have no issues kicking ass.