Just discovered Gruntpocolypse in Score attack. I think I found a new favorite gametype.
Also, this must be how everyone is leveling soo quickly. Bah, it's just an extra; I could play this gametype for days.
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Just discovered Gruntpocolypse in Score attack. I think I found a new favorite gametype.
Also, this must be how everyone is leveling soo quickly. Bah, it's just an extra; I could play this gametype for days.
all ranks
Private - Awarded at 7,500 cR |
Corporal - Awarded at 10,000 cR |
Corporal Grade 1 - Awarded at 15,000 cR |
Sergeant - Awarded at 20,000 cR |
Sergeant Grade 1 - Awarded at 26,250 cR |
Sergeant Grade 2 - Awarded at 32,500 cR
Warrant Officer - Awarded at 45,000 cR
Warrant Officer Grade 1 - Awarded at 78,000 cR
Warrant Officer Grade 2 - Awarded at 111,000 cR
Warrant Officer Grade 3 - Awarded at 144,000 cR
Captain - Awarded at 210,000 cR
Captain Grade 1 - Awarded at 233000 cR
Captain Grade 2 - Awarded at 256,000 cR
Captain Grade 3 - Awarded at 279,000 cR
Major - Awarded at 325,000 cR
Major Grade 1 - Awarded at 350,000 cR
Major Grade 2 - Awarded at 375,000 cR
Major Grade 3 - Awarded at 400,000 cR
Lt. Colonel - Awarded at 450,000 cR
Lt. Colonel Grade 1 - Awarded at 480,000 cR
Lt. Colonel Grade 2 - Awarded at 510,000 cR
Lt. Colonel Grade 3 - Awarded at 540,000 cR
Commander Grade 1 - Awarded at 650,000 cR
Commander Grade 2 - Awarded at 700,000 cR
Commander Grade 3 - Awarded at 750,000
Colonel - Awarded at 850,000 cR
Colonel Grade 1 - Awarded at 960,000 cR
Colonel Grade 2 - Awarded at 1,070,000 cR
Colonel Grade 3 - Awarded at 1,180,000 cR
Brigadier - Awarded at 1,400,000 cR
Brigadier Grade 1 - Awarded at 1,520,000 cR
Brigadier Grade 2 - Awarded at 1,640,000 cR
Brigadier Grade 3 - Awarded at 1,760,000 cR
General - Awarded at 2,000,000 cR
General Grade 1 - Awarded at 2,200,000 cR
General Grade 2 - Awarded at 2,350,000 cR
General Grade 3 - Awarded at 2,500,000 cR
General Grade 4 - Awarded at 2,650,000 cR
Field Marshall - Awarded at 3,000,000 cR
Hero - Awarded at 3,700,000 cR
Legend - Awarded at 4,600,000 cR
Mythic - Awarded at 5,650,000 cR
Noble - Awarded at 7,000,000 cR
Eclipse - Awarded at 8,500,000 cR
Nova - Awarded at 11,000,000 cR
Forerunner - Awarded at 13,000,000 cR
Reclaimer - Awarded at 16,500,000 cR
Inheritor - Awarded at 20,000,000 cR
If you earned 20,000 credits a day you could get Inheritor in a measly 3 years!
"Don't be a baby"? Okay, I'll be a manly man make sure my shields never drop. Ever. And play every difficulty level like it's a war of attrition. Far be it from me to be upset when I die instantly to a projectile that 99% of the time does minor damage. Consistency is nice. It's Halo, not Rainbow 6.
The needle rifle is consistent, you aim for the head on a unshielded enemy you get a head shot.
In the former Halo games if a jackal hit you in the head with a beam rifle they had the same chance of it being a 1SK as you had.
As for that inheritor rank, I am only thankful they didn't follow ensembles footsteps.
If I were the designer, I wouldn't allow NR headshots from AI (especially because they have the supercombine threat), but there are plenty of other decisions and sources of cheap deaths that irk me more.
By the way, at what point do the Double cR weekends start happening? How many weeks or months in did it happen with Halo 3? I don't really care about rank, but I do want that Lt Colonel achievement.
And I wish Bungie would just come out and tell the people that have hit the cap that it's safe to play. That their commendations aren't going to be wasted. The point of the cap freeze was obviously not to force people to quit playing.
That first phrase was sarcasm. I was joking. My bad for trying that on the internet.
But your assertions are very opinionated to the degree that you're saying that Bungie is a bad designer for their own game series when their ideas don't fit your desires. It's one of my many pet-peeves when it comes to people explaining their opinions. Yes, assertions are good for stand-alone essays, but on a quick-response forum it just makes you look whiny or bratty. We know you're not Arteen, but constant complaining that isn't in the form of a bug report sounds like a constant drone after a while. Besides, Bungie said for the longest time that this game was going to be fairly different than the rest. If you get good enough with the assets available in the game, you very well can go Rambo on all of the enemies on Heroic.
If I play one more game of snipers on anything, i'm going to shoot myself.
To be fair, the guy that made most of these questionable decisions was a guy they brought in from FASA that worked on a whole bunch of "okay" stuff and never had anything to do with the series before Reach. So it's not like Arteen is second-guessing the guy who made Halo, he's second-guessing the guy who made MechAssault.
Not that Sage isn't a bright guy. These choices might be good choices for any series except Halo. When you start getting into discussions about % chances of things happening, when Halo is the one series that's always said, "Fuck it, if an Elite gets killed, the nearby Grunts will always lose their shit. No dice rolls needed", it feels like some pen-and-paper game and not a Halo game. To me, anyway.
I quit playing because it just isn't fun to play slayer 24/7 anymore.