Can I have your Mark V?
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Can I have your Mark V?
Snipers needs to be sectioned off into it's own division, just as SWAT is going to be. It's ridiculous playing all snipes with 16 people on some map not meant for it (spire for example, reflection..). Come to think of it, spire blows for anything but invasion. SWAT, oh boy swat, can't wait till it is in it's own play list.
Oh snap.
Tsk tsk. Give it 10 days until it acutely starts to do this.Quote:
Score Attack
Credit earn rates for Gruntpocalypse are being reduced to fall more in line with other modes.
If you’ve devised an ingeniously elaborate method to circumvent our credit cap or exploit our challenge system, all of your “hard work” is soon to be for naught. While we understand the compulsion to race to the top and earn all the good gear before any of your friends do, network manipulation and other easily detectable workarounds that fall well outside of standard gameplay will result in a credit reset and several other punitive measures designed to knock you back down to a level playing field with all the rest of us who are playing the game without having to resort to exploits. We're watching you.
Without calling attention to specific methods, here are a couple of examples to help you wrap your mind around what we consider acceptable behavior and what we consider the machinations of people with way too much time on their hands:
Example 1: Laziness is Next to Godliness
You’ve commissioned your little brother to play through the same section of ONI: Sword Base over and over again, wielding the Target Locator like a barbarian’s cudgel in a quest to hit your daily credit cap without ever having to lay a finger on the controller.
This is a little bit sad, but it is not an offense we’re going to punish. *You* are playing the game. Keep your credits (but please go easy on your little brother).
Example Deuce: Communication Breakdown
You’ve written a crafty piece of code in your spare time that plays the same section of ONI: Sword Base over and over, wielding the Target Locator like a mechanical death ray in a sad, robotic quest to hit your daily credit cap while you’re busy doing something that isn’t playing the game.
This is really sad and you can expect to have your credits wiped and your armor items reset (and you can possibly expect to be banned, depending on the severity of the manipulation). We’ve already got a sizable list of offenders gathered up and the Banhammer is being heaved high into the air as soon as this afternoon. Make your peace. You get no warning. We’ll see you on the forums real soon!
Hey kornman, I hope those commendation's worked out for you.:ohboy:
Anyone see the mass wave of resets coming out from Bungie? Looks like a lot of people are being handed credit resets and cR bans for a day o.O Even though I haven't cheated I'm still worried. o.o
They're putting a lot of serious thought and effort into a purely aesthetic e-peen system.
What are credits used for? Ranking and purchasing armour.
Credits are not exactly awarded based on skill. A kill is a kill is a kill, and will get you credits. Given an infinite amount of time, every player would hit the maximum rank, though some faster than others.
The Halo: Reach customizable SPARTAN is nothing more than the hyper-male equivalent of a Barbie doll.
Subjectively, I think that without this time-consuming system, you'd find a drop in players. With their perfect SPARTAN realized, players would have no reason to continue playing as rigorously, and would probably spend more time playing locally or custom matches with friends. The Halo: Reach online experience isn't really that great. Neither is its offline, but at least with the latter you're free to create your own rules.
There are a lot better things that could be done than making it difficult for players to dress-up their characters.
Of course it's meaningless. If the credits earned you uberperks, it would still be meaningless. It would just be meaningless and shitty. People like to see some representation that their activity is being tracked, counted, and measured. That it isn't just disappearing into the ether.
There's also an addictive element, which is where Bungie has to take some responsibility. The credit and rank system was meant to give players a long-term goal, over years and years. It's not meant to be conquered in weeks or months. It's the equivalent of the government giving everyone a year's supply of Sudafed to treat seasonal allergies -- most would use it as intended, but some would use it to start a meth lab. They have to figure out some way to pump the brakes and keep everyone on the straight and narrow.
Thankfully I'm not going to be getting kicked out of games so the other team can easily win and rank up anymore. And we'll probably never see any accounts being sold on ebay anymore, since you can't quickly boost your rank like you could in Halo 3.