I seriously don't understand. You don't want to play the mod because it won't be perfect?
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I seriously don't understand. You don't want to play the mod because it won't be perfect?
Because the attitude to gave with "we just want to get it done" is the same attitude bungie had for halo 2 and hiredgun had for halo 2 vista both of which were riddled with flaws.
the comment of wanting it out the door asap makes it seem you will do anything even if it is detrimental to your hard work just to get it released.
Quality over quantity. Personally, i think you should be worried about the quality of the work than the amount of people who will play it. Why make something mediocre for 1000 people when you can have something spectacular for 800?
When did using OS become perfect? That's an opinion and not a fact. Just because we won't be using OS doesn't make it rushed and how would using OS change that?
Perfection is never an option.
I did not use that quotation to excuse half-assed work. We're proud of our mod. It's polished (well, being polished), it's pretty, and above all, it's fun. When we do release it, it's going to be more fun, more varied, more exciting, more novel, more balanced, and more polished that SPv1.Quote:
Originally Posted by Famous-Quotes.net
We can always add more to our mod. We can always add more and polish more, and make new vehicles and enemies and weapons, and make whole new SP levels and put all our stuff in them. But if we do that, then we will never get the mod done. It's really that simple.
Yes, perhaps I should have used better wording. We certainly aren't going to release shoddy work.
That Delta UI thing for SPv2 wouldn't be necessary or very pretty if we didn't have a matching ACTUAL Main menu Delta UI, so... It's all good that you cut it, especially for space purpose aswell.
As for the whole OS issue..... not get bold or anything, but...
Just write the
1. "consequences vs. benefits before installing"
2. "How To Install..."
instructions at the top of the Read ME!!.txt file. Solves the problem for the supposedly refered dummies.
Am I wrong?
If people think your mod is worthy enough for their attention and small efforts to play, wouldn't they pay attention as to how they would go about installing the mod? It shouldn't matter about those who don't feel like doing it to be lazy, you're only supporting the number 2 problem in the WORLD; Laziness.
I think this is a reasonable sugestion, especially if coupled with the installer app idea and a special page on the halomaps website explaining everything.
This page could have two columns, one saying somthing along the lines of:
"To get the basic version of the CMT SPv2 campaign without additional featues, but avoiding possible compatibility issues and installation difficulties simply download each of the map files listed"
and the other saying somthing like:
"For an expanded CMT SPv2 experience download the following package and run the installer app, or download each item seperatly from this list" (the list would just be so if sombody had a random problem with the installer app but understood where everything needs to go they could still get the open sauce version).
The package mentioned would be the "Halo CMT" package plus installer app and 1.08 patch. When this app is run it would ask for your HALO Custom Edition directory, then find out if the 1.08 patch is installed, if not it will install the patch. When you have the patch, it will put the CMT shared maps into the right places and the open sauce .dll and anything I've forgoten to mention. Next it will show a screen with a bunch of hyperlinks to halomaps, linking to each of the sauced campaign maps. If run again it will also detect if you already have all the pre-requisites installed, and skip right to this screen so you can get any maps you haven't yet downloaded.
Two .dlls? that can't be right. Unless you are refering to the other .dll that some pepole on this thread: needed to get it to work, which I didn't need (mind you that .dll might have been part of one of the SDKs I had to download to get the sauce to compile).
Actually, there hasn't been much talk about it, but as far as I know CMT are making a SPv2 UI, like they made one for SPv1. I assume that as they were given permisson to use the Delta Halo UI pause menu they'll be able to use the theme on their main menu too.
I think he decided to cut back on his work on Open Sauce and prioritise other stuff he was/is working on when there were no, or next to no, early takers. Now that SPv2 has sparked a revival in intrested in Open Sauce he might be persuaded to create that user manual. It might give novice developers enough of an insite into the code to actually start developing Open Sauce.