Arent they taking the tank out of CTF, or was that other gametype?
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Arent they taking the tank out of CTF, or was that other gametype?
I think they're just taking it out of Blood Gulch in all gametypes. I don't think they're replacing it in other maps though.
I've always scoffed at "perks", but maybe a perk where your Spartan reversed the second melee attack into an assassination animation would help curb the issue. Never going to happen, just thinking out loud.
Question. Im about to start a solo legendary run though for the achievement. I wanna know if daily challenges will affect my achievement or not. What i mean is, like say I get to mission 8 and I have been playing straight legendary. Can I say, do a challenge thats on mission 2 on heroic, then start mission 8 again and finish and still get my achievement?
Yeah, the achievement's just based on if you've completed each level on Legendary, not on what order you completed them.
I'm starting to love BTB. Hemorrhage is where it's at. I can do ridiculous amounts of damage with the scorpion, I don't see how changing it to the wraith is making it better, the wraith can be devastating in it's own right when you know how to use it.
congrats... im an lt colonel...get on my farming level son
anyways i suck it up in BTB when it comes to snipers on like spire. I normally get to the top and wait for the enemy team to set up
98% of the time they are scoped in or not listening, and TBH nothing is more satisfying than a triple assassination
also since voice is proximity by default, does anyone here ever say anything catchy when they like board a vehicle or assassinate an enemy who is by himself, or am I the only one?
So, after playing this game a while longer, adding this to my list of balance fixes
- I'm not a huge fan of the new vehicle health system, but I can see where it's useful in gameplay terms. That said, there's nothing more gay for a new player than to get into what seems to be a heavily armored tank, only to die from 2 assault rifle bullets. First off, if we're going to have vehicle health, we need to have a vehicle health bar. No one can argue that the health of your vehicle is vital gameplay information, and there's no reason to hide vital information from players unless you're fucking retarded or something. Second, the vehicle health should regenerate up to certain thresholds, the same as player health. That way you can have a damaged tank, or a heavily damaged tank, but not one that dies in 2 bullets.
I thought vehicle health does regenerate similar to base health. People would have problems completing New Alexandria if the Falcon's health was static. Are you sure that tank wasn't fresh off a beating when you hopped in?
Anybody try the indestructible vehicle setting in the options? How does that work? Does it make them impossible to take down or does it work like in Halo 1 where you can get the kill and claim the prize?