Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Teekup and I tried indestructible vehicles with his Hijack gametype. I don't know about the other vehicles, but the tank and banshee drivers don't take any damage. It's lame.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
So, after playing this game a while longer, adding this to my list of balance fixes
- I'm not a huge fan of the new vehicle health system, but I can see where it's useful in gameplay terms. That said, there's nothing more gay for a new player than to get into what seems to be a heavily armored tank, only to die from 2 assault rifle bullets. First off, if we're going to have vehicle health, we need to have a vehicle health bar. No one can argue that the health of your vehicle is vital gameplay information, and there's no reason to hide vital information from players unless you're fucking retarded or something. Second, the vehicle health should regenerate up to certain thresholds, the same as player health. That way you can have a damaged tank, or a heavily damaged tank, but not one that dies in 2 bullets. want an energy shield on a tank?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
That's what I was afraid of. If people could take down a Banshee with an assault rifle and then hop in themselves, people would be less inclined to complain about Banshees. Everything has just been downhill since Halo PC. Disappointment after disappointment.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
MXC want an energy shield on a tank?
It worked in Halo 3!
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
MXC want an energy shield on a tank?
No. You ever notice how if you take just one or two bars of health damage, it regenerates back to full when your shields recharge? But, if you lose more than 50% of your health, it doesn't do that? That's what he's looking for. It's discouraging as all hell to have finally killed the person that just racked up an Untouchable in the tank while leaving it mostly intact, only to get in it and have it die from about half a magazine of DMR spam.
Sure, if you don't expect the tank to die quickly while it's on fire, there's something wrong with you. However, finding a motherfucking tank regardless of condition and not being allowed to get at least two or three kills with it because it has a mere 1 hit point left and will die from some random AR burst form across the map that wasn't aimed at you is flat-out bullshit.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
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Every person I know who plays this game thinks the melee attacks are garbage, most don't speak out about it.
Thing is, the melee isn't going to affect you as much when you're playing primarily big team games on large maps (Invasion), but melee whoring is the entire game on small team Slayer and objective matches. It takes no skill to use, it gets your shield off instantly, everyone can use it infinitely, and the only real counter to it is to have a Shotgun (since Sword gets blocked by melee), or kill people before they get close enough (zombie game).
So yes, the multiplayer in Reach is horrible.
e: this isn't related to my main argument, but you strike me as one of those people who think all bad design choices are okay because 'the developers intended it that way'. Sorry, but that's not a valid excuse, especially when considering the longevity of a mutiplayer game over many years. I'm already losing interest in Reach simply because the competitive modes pander to unskilled players, and there's no reward in gameplay terms for being legitimatelly better than your opposition.
"Why bother learning to aim", the newbs say. "I can just sprint-double melee people with no effort at all".
This is the same shit I've been complaining about since Halo 2, and yet people (including some here on this forum) shot me down for being an oldfag about it. Now here we are at the final game with the same problem, and people are starting to seeing the light. Late much?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
What's all this complaining about skill? It's a fucking video game. If you play for fun you've already won.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I thought vehicle health does regenerate similar to base health. People would have problems completing New Alexandria if the Falcon's health was static. Are you sure that tank wasn't fresh off a beating when you hopped in?
Anybody try the indestructible vehicle setting in the options? How does that work? Does it make them impossible to take down or does it work like in Halo 1 where you can get the kill and claim the prize?
Pretty sure it doesn't. When I played New Alexandria on Legendary, my Falcon took a huge hit from a fuel rod right off the bat. I completed most of the rest of the level without taking damage, but when I got to the end segment, I died from 3 shade bolts with full health. Of course, if the game had vehicle health bars, we would know for sure.
Originally Posted by
What's all this complaining about skill? It's a fucking video game. If you play for fun you've already won.
That's not even a real argument. Reach multiplayer is a competitive game. Competitive as in, players competing against eachother to determine who is the best based on skill, strategy, and teamwork.
When nothing takes skill, and the only strategy is camping with non-respawning power weapons, the game turns into a free for all where anyone can do as good as anyone else. Thus, it becomes uninteresting as a competitive platform.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
There was a vehicle health-bar in Halo:CE Campaign, wasn't there? I remember it being there for the Ghost and Banshee at least. I wonder why they took out such a nice feature.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I must admit I am getting annoyed with double melee faggots all the time , just sprint melee and boom Im dead :/