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Most fun game type so far? , for me its team headhunt/ Big Team Head Hunt , so damn funny when skulls are flying all over the place.
Played some more Team Slayer today.
In small team Slayer, the only strategy really is camping with heavy weapons. If your team has the heavy weapons and you're camping, victory is pretty much assured.
If the other team has heavy weapons and is camping, there's little you can do. A coordinated team camping with heavy weapons is virtually unbreakable, and there is no counter. Yesterday when we were in Slayer DMRs on gulch, I managed to get the other team's sniper rifle. I used it until there was one shot left, then switched to DMR. Our team was still sniping, but the other sniper never respawned. The enemies were getting destroyed completely and they had no hope of ever recovering.
Team Slayer in Reach really is complete garbage. Guess it's just Big Team and Invasion from now on.
Agree completely. Six game losing streak because my friends wouldn't stfu and listen to me and try to get rockets at ALL. I went there every time and got decimated for being by my god damn self. Every time we lost my friends kept talking shit and losing MORE. The other team camped sniper and rockets the whole game, one game we were so close to winning until one lucky nade killed three of us. And I had full health and shields. There are times I actually HATE this game, and times I love it. Today I hate it.
I'm not too fussed with weapon powers, double meleeing unless its against shottie, what annoys the crap out of me is having idiotic teammates. I'm Lt Colonel, I've got alot of games where I'm +21, +14, +10, so my trueskill should be pretty high, yet I get bundled with complete idiots who are recruit and either stand around like fools or have no idea how to even play an FPS.
And yes I have skill checked in search.
Same here, unfortunately it's hate more often than love.
This game has CoD4 syndrome. It's inches away from perfection, all it needs are a few critical gameplay changes to really bring it up to god-tier. If Bungie implemented the ideas suggested here, the multiplayer experience would imrove dramatically.
I thought I should clear something up. Anyone who plays Live with me knows I'm a very serious, competitive gamer most of the time. However, I still despise MLG as much as anyone because I actually have standards and don't believe in using chicken shit tactics to win. Similarly, I don't believe in MLG's philosophy that taking away all weapons besides the human midrange headshot weapon and turning off motion trackers makes Halo more 'Pro'. What I'm after is a fun, fair multiplayer experience where the better team wins based on their superior skill and strategy, without using cheap tactics or exploits. Every balance change I come up with is only intended to further that goal.
True skill hasn't sorted anyone out yet. Just keep playing and it will get better.
And of course the competitive playlists aren't looking for a good a match as Arena would be.
The sniper rifle is an ANTI-MATERIEL rifle. It's SUPPOSED to blast through armour, just like the PTRD did with the same caliber bullet in the Second World War. Hell, I should even be able to take out a Wraith with it in a few shots to the back side. If there could be more than two enemy snipers on the map at a given time, I can see the problem. Since the sniper doesn't respawn when some imbecile has it, just bomb the shit out of that faggot.
Now, I don't think Halo 1 was at all balanced, but it had a happy medium between cheap tactics and competitiveness. Sure, the pistol was the end-all, be-all gun of the game and tanks camping the bases was a dick move, but they were all counterable. With practise, you can engage a pistoleer with the MA5B and a well-timed grenade. With more practise, you can take out a tank with three shots from a pistol or a well-placed grenade and MA5B spray to the cockpit. Alternatively, you can use the Plasma Pistol to take down his shields and then either pop him in the face, toss a grenade, or blast him out using the AR again. And then we have the melees. Bungie invented this "tripod" of power for Halo 2. They say that it wasn't balanced in the first game. I call bullshit on that. It didn't even exist before because they hadn't thought of it that way until AFTER the first game. Melee, from the way Halo 1 plays, was designed to be your fall-back weapon when you ran out of ammunition, a finisher so you could take out your opponent in a close-quarters fight if he made the mistake of reloading, or a way to humiliate your opponent by taking him down with a backstab (AKA, using the weakest "weapon" in the game to kill him in one shot). This "tripod" shit is what started all of the crap. By making the game what they did, they turned it into a series of preset engagement types: grenade-rifle, rifle-grenade, grenade-grenade, grenade-melee, rifle-melee, and the ever ellusive rifle-rifle. I see no tripod of power in here, only many bipods. Halo: CE was by comparison unpredictable, and that's what made it fun.
In Reach, if you don't have Bungie's predetermined counter to a situation, you're fucked. Guy has a sniper, sucks to be you. Guy has a DMR, grab a sniper. Guy has a tank, grab a rocket. Guy has a rocket, you're fucked. Guy has a shotgun, grab a sniper again (Close quarters you say? You're fucked). In all scenarios, the universal counter is "land the first hit."
tl;dr-the game is too regimented and over-engineered. What they SHOULD have done is just added new features instead of fixing something that wasn't broken.
On the side, I still love the game. The audio is fantastic, the graphics are pretty damn good for console, and it's relatively fun compared against its predecessor. I bought it for its campaign, and compared to the last three titles, it certainly did not disappoint. One of the better expenditures of $70. I'm just bummed that the multiplayer still lacks the "magic" that made the original so entertaining.
Well see, I see it backwards. I find this game to have a lot of magic Halo 1 didn't have. I'm not a big Halo 1 fan though, probably because I never had a high-performance system to have a good ping or constantly decent graphics. Halo 3 was also a ton of fun in my opinion, but I think the BR ultimately ruined the experience.