Speaking of Hunters, I'm calling BS on the earlier advice of using a needle rifle against them. On Heroic, it took 5 supercombines in the back to bring one down. Inefficient!
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Speaking of Hunters, I'm calling BS on the earlier advice of using a needle rifle against them. On Heroic, it took 5 supercombines in the back to bring one down. Inefficient!
One supercombine to the face on legendary killed one when I was playing through. Not sure if it has already down on health though.
The green things on the Hunters gun look like roasted marshmallows.:downs:
I find it easier to spam every grenade I can find then jump over them and shoot them.
Pretty much this. What really made Halo 1's MP great is that you were almost never completely helpless. Everything was counterable, and a sufficiently clever player with good aim could survive just about anything. Reach MP has far too many situations you can get into where there is no counter and no defense, and all the changes I've proposed have been made with that in mind.
If you look back at Halo 1, the melee attacks were still quite powerful. The main thing that made them balanced related to other attacks was the lack of autoaim, and more importantly the lack of lunge. I can't stress just how much I hate melee lunge. Melee attacks no longer require any sort of aiming, and the lunge function itself seems wildly inconsistent. Sometimes it won't lunge a guy 2 inches in front of me, sometimes I get lunges so far and fast it seems like there's a rocket up my ass.
Reach is basically a good game. With a few small improvements, it could be a dramatically better game. If no one complains, nothing gets changed. Hell, game testers are basically paid to complain. Some of us are a little more harsh in our complaining (I make no excuses), but that doesn't mean the complaints aren't valid.
I always try to give well thought out reasons for my bitching, and as someone who's been taking Halo too seriously from the very beginning I think it's safe to say I know the series' gameplay at least as well as the developers.
You know what's awesome? Infection on Sword Base. Some human will hide at the end of that long hallway on the ground floor leading to the air vent. After three failed attempts to kill to him, I finally close the gap and sword lunge him, only for him to melee block my sword lunge and shoot me in the face. That was pretty awesome.
Bungie just announced on their twitter that all credits earned once you hit the cap still count towards your next rank when they lift the cap, assuming you hit the cap legitimately.
Thanks for posting that. I knew that had to be the case, but they should know by fricking now that everything they say needs to be spelled out and clarified.
I officially sympathize with the melee people now. I just played a game of Team Slayer on Pinnacle and half of my deaths could have been avoided if the melee wsn't so unbalanced between two spartans. I play Invasion a lot, so usually I just back away as an Elite or can shoot enough bullets to get the melee kill first. But in Team Slayer, I literally hit myself because of all of the times I died from double melees that I probably shouldn't have. Nothing is worse when you get that melee and start blasting away at your enemy at point blank, but still die from that second fast melee attack. It's just quirky and generally stupid in Team Slayer games.