Except knowing all the inconsistencies while playing the game creates discontinuity, and discontinuity breaks the experience. That's part of what made the Prequel Trilogy of Star Wars so terrible (the rest was Jar Jar and terrible acting).
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Heres what I see:
If Bungie dont make any drastic changes, people will just bitch and moan its H3 with a different story and thats it.
If Bungie make big bold changes, people will bitch it doesnt follow story/have that Halo feel.
I'm stuck in the middle, I'm not impressed with the new style, technological improvements in the engine do interest me, but that can be done without fucking everything else up. Characters seem too "GOW" for my style, big, fat, chubby, bulky when they dont need to.
Halo:Reach no matter what, will have a hard reception, people will be wanting new Halo content, others will want it to be more like Halo 1.
Am I the only one who hates the new grenade icon? Looks way too big and fat.
I know for a fact, Halo Reach will never be better than Halo 1 for me, because Halo 1 is what made me fall in love with the series. That is the crem-de-le-creme of Halo.
You also have to realize that after releasing a game like halo 1, it is a tough act to follow, rarely are sequels anything as good as the first (note the fucking rarely, as I am sure you will pop up with some examples), simply because you are experiencing golden age syndrome. You put the game up on a pedestal and think " wow this game is truly the greatest, man I remember blah blah blah and doing blah blah and tea bagging blaah."
It's just like old people, they say those times were so much better, when they had fucking world wars and dinosaurs.
1.) The first group was wiped out completely with no survivors, said so in the Halo Encyclopedia. Aside from that, they happened way too fucking early to mean anything with regard to Reach.Quote:
Originally Posted by =sw=warlord
2.) Never played Halo Wars. Wasn't worth my time. Besides, those were Mk. IV armour anyways.
3.) Way to not read the whole thread, again. I said there were armour variants on the Mk. V and VI, and I said the idea armour variants isn't what gets me, it's the shitty proportionality. Anyways, what they are wearing is clearly not SPI in any way, shape, or form. And there were no other missions to specialise in to boot. There was Alpha Group (annihilated), Beta Group (annihilated save for two), and Gamma Group (a few survivors in the Dyson Sphere, the rest can be presumed dead). Gamma Team came around after the Fall of Reach, so there is no space whatsoever for these "Reach" Spartan-IIIs. Sorry, but you lose again. You may have read the books, but clearly you need to reference them more. So far you haven't demonstrated that you have any of your facts straight. Guess the joke is on you. Again.
And again I'll say: if these changes were tasteful at all, we'd all be nodding our heads in approval. So far, none of these changes are tasteful. If you like big, clunky, Unreal-style Juggernaut Spartans and half-baked weapons, more power to you. Us "butthurt" people don't.
tl;dr: learn to read.
The amount of nerd rage in this thread makes me lol. I never knew people could be that obsessed with a video game to the point they think they're experts and if one thing is off, the entire game is going to fail. Why don't you like, wait till it comes out and then try it and base your judgments off of actually playing it; not just some screen shots and your supposed expertise in videogame lore. Why can't you people have this same kind of devotion to something useful to others? Like not trying to troll or anything, but like, if you showed that much devotion to something worth while and not some video game, the world might just be a fraction of a percent better. Geeze. Nerd rage more.
Yet the entire series doesn't seem too Aliens for you?
Also I have to agree with the above post. It's a damn video game, not the lost pages of the new testament.
It's about the chunkiness. It works in GoW because it's an Epic game...all Epic games have big and chunky characters. Period. We haven't seen that in Halo. Now we do. So we are all scratching our heads wondering what Gorge is doing on Reach.
Having been disappointed in Halo 3, I welcome these changes.
I never really fully understood what people hated about Halo 3 so much. It was a fairly decent game. It wasn't god-like, but I did enjoy it.