You mean like how people with sprint using double punches are today?
Gee how the times change...
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I agree here. Half of the time I don't even need to melee fight when I have a weapon that has a large enough magazine, like the AR or Needle Rifle. But when I have a pistol or DMR, I'm forced to melee just because i haven't enough of a clip to carry on. Unless I'm assassinating, I never really intentionally melee.
Arguments? So far, I've seen people propose a change to something they claim is flawed, followed by people saying that they're wrong, followed by said naysayers changing their opinion and agreeing after playing a few games in the Team Slayer playlist. I'm about ready to call out anyone who claims two-punch rushes aren't cheap as someone that relies too heavily on that tactic (get out), or someone that's reserved themselves to mostly Big Team games (and stay there if you enjoy your sanity).
well hoppy shit to you too. the game has issues, and we are bringing them to people's attention. in the past months modacity has received site traffic from, so whos to say what goes on here isnt influencing what goes on there? the more people know, the more people either agree or disagree, and if there are enough people disagreeing with an element of the game, bungie would be inclined to patch it. they patched the melee in halo 3, why not here? our "bitching" isnt as useless as you make it sound.
The problem is a problem everywhere. It's just obscured on the larger team playlists. Double melee is just a dumb, cheap way to die. They recognized this in the beta, it's just that their solution for retail didn't solve anything. It might as well be a one-hit kill -- that second punch is just a formality.
From my experience, Team Slayer and Rumble Pit games are usually played on smaller maps, where players are left with the options of midranged combat and CQC with power weapons. Big Team has more focus on vehicular combat, sniping, and heavy weaponry.
Statistics-wise, my deaths back this up. In Rumble Pit, melee attacks cause 24% of my deaths, the DMR and Needle Rifle cause 19%, and the Shotgun accounts for 8%. In Team Slayer, DMR kills me 27% of the time, melee deaths are at 17%, and I get sniped 13% of the time. In Big Team, the DMR tops the list at 29%, sniper rifle at 18%, all vehicles at 18%, and melee accounts for 10%.
I can't say how many of those melee deaths are double-punch rushes, but I'm willing to bet a good percentage of them are based on how much I'm bitching about them.
The problem with that is that the double-melee can give some spartans a little bit of leeway when it comes to close quarters fighting against bigger, faster, and stronger Elites. For the most part, I've really only seen the need for this sort of change in Team Slayer mainly because most of the maps are close-quarters enough to use the double-melee spastically.
Actually no, not even slightly like that. All the double punch rush morons are as garbage as eachother, and as often as not get killed right after getting their shitty melee kill by another shitty melee tard. It's one of those things where no one can really be any better at it than anyone else, which makes the game mindless and inane.
It's stupid and irritating any and every time it happens, there's no reason not to change it. Look at phase one on Boneyard, practically all anyone does is punch eachother and spam grenades because the guns are so ineffective.
I bet today was an easy day in matchmaking for people who don't care about the challenges, with everyone else trying to get 30 kills with automatic weapons. Wait, does punching with a weapon count as using it?
Seriously, I don't even know why full auto weapons are in the game. Those commendations for using them are basically Bungie encouraging you to play the game wrong. Ugh.