Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
The progression curve post-cap is a part of a file that gets passed down via networking, so theoretically the military ranks after the cap could have the deltas between them change.
Another reason for this, in the event that player earn rates were off from what we posited - i.e. players earned tons more or tons less than we believed they would in-game - we could've made adjustments to the military ranks beyond the cap.
Interesting feedback, though
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Sure, the rank cap prevents me from buying all those Commander-rank armory items, but there's still a bunch of other stuff to buy, so it's not like I'm earning a bunch of credits with nothing to use them on. I'd have to put in the time investment either way. Heck, now that I don't have a progress bar to fill, I don't feel pressured to earn every credit I can.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
"Gameplay" not meaning just skill. Having a sniper rifle that actually connects with whatever you shot it at no matter what your latency is a hell of a lot less frustrating than one that does it whenever it feels like your ping is good enough.
It would make it harder for players to dominate a battlefield with a sniper rifle. As it is, it takes out just about any vehicle it hits (which is fine, but it's complete bull when all you have to do is point and shoot), and a player can pop multiple headshots off on a whim...even Halo 1 sniping was harder than Halo Reach. Matchmaking does a pretty damn good job managing your ping, it isn't like Halo PC where you lead once for the bullet, and then double it to compensate for lag.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Also, not to be a dick, but anyone complaining about the level cap has nobody to blame but themselves. Besides the economy reason they gave, I'm pretty sure Bungie's giving y'all a signal to slow down, try doing other things with the game in the meantime, like do more customs, forge some maps, firefight, etc. Get the most out of the game, more than what nets you cR quickly.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
There is one thing alot of people might not think of at first glance, something Limited raged about when I mentioned.
Bungie are still cementing the final Cr required for ranks, it may be that somewhere down the road they may move the goal posts slightly and increase or decrease Cr required for certain ranks.
For instance highest rank is currently inheritor at a huge 20M Cr.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
What are your thoughts Arteen, about DLC and other content that are on the disk, but locked on launch? Considering that is affectively what Bungie have done, yes its available offline, so technically, we are paying more money, and we get even less content.
Oh and you might all be reading my posts and being like "oh hes butthurt as hes hit the level cap"...yes I am, all the low rank armour pieces are absolute shite.
No. No no no no no. That is a very shitty argument. You will get your rank cap removed and all your accessories soon. It's not like they decided to place it to con us for our money. That's not it at all.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
what is this about locked on-disk DLC?
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
But the thing is...why even bother with having a cap in place? They've said twice already that you can keep earning credits and leap forward several ranks once they lift the why even bother having it?
Really, it's fucking stupid. I really don't care, as long as I can keep earning credits, but it's really stupid to have such a pointless cap in place.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I think we're looking at it the wrong way. The ranks themselves are pointless. Perhaps curbing people's pursuit of a pointless objective has a point unto itself.
Sure, credits still count, but the immediate gratification is gone. Instead of poop-socking into the wee hours to get to the next rank, people are choosing to get up and use the toilet and going to bed at a reasonable hour. Hopefully when the cap is finally lifted, people will have found an equilibrium.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
what is this about locked on-disk DLC?
i'd like to know about this too