To gauge how quickly people are earning credits and adjust the amounts required after the cap accordingly.
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You know, there are other things to do when you are at Lt. Colonel Grade 3 like go forge, custom or even, oshi go out-side and hang out with friends (assuming they are not your half across the US or across the Ocean).
Also I wanna know what this locked DLC is on the disc.
There is no locked dlc on the disc. He's talking about armor.
1% are Lt Colonel? BS, theres 6 in this one game..
I owned though, +13 :D
Oh yeah, no DLC on the disk and I think you cant have DLC armour
Im pretty sure the recon helmet is DLC. I know its an actual file saved on your HDD, cause its not linked to your account. I didnt have it on my account when i copied my profile over from my HDD to my flash drive. Had to copy the actual file for the helmet.
So I do believe there can be DLC armor.
There is no locked, on disc DLC.
Not so. The ranks restrict what you can and cannot buy. I want to customize my SIII a certain way. That way requires me to buy, eg, shoulder pads which require the rank of at least Commander. The cap is at LTC3, the grade RIGHT before Commander. They're not mentioning when the cap will be lifted so I, or anyone else, can't safely spend credits without knowing if I'll have enough to buy the shit I was saving up for to fucking begin with when the cap is finally lifted.
It's like having some toy manufacture say 'oh well we're done producing toy X, but here, buy and play with toy Y while we sit on X for a while and rethink it. We'll let you know later'. However, you've been saving up for toy Y and you won't know if you'll have enough cash around to purchase the shit you've actually been waiting and saving for when it comes out. You don't want to settle for second best as a appetizer.
They have the bone. Now throw us it.
E: The recon helmet appears at Commander IIRC. Or you could enter a redeem code which puts a DLC-based dohicky on your box telling the game, hey, you can haz recon now.
To be fair, I think all the armor looks kind of shitty. So that probably explains my indifference toward the cap.
That may be so, but you might as well find some kind of way to enjoy the "rewards" of earning commendations during gameplay as you try to continue to earn even more (or beat challenges).
They should have opted for a pimp hat helmet instead of the skull variant tbh. Then have a cane for a robotic arm variant. Then a utility which causes your player to limp. Then a wrist item which causes your melees to turn to back hand slaps...
Oh and a armor effect which spawns holograms of bitches, just like how Heart Attack spawns little itty bitty flying hearts from your body (and more when you take damage).