Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Speaking of.
The thing with sniping in Halo 1 is that the player hitboxes were considerably smaller than any of the more recent games. Bullet magnetism is an entirely different factor from autoaim, and I should add that the Halo 1 sniper had dramatically less range than the Reach sniper. You can snipe people all the way across Forge World with the Reach sniper, you'd never be able to do that in Halo 1.
Of course you zoomed out when you got shot, are you serious?
Not in the PC version at least
probably a networking thing
E: Actually, I've noticed times where people will be shooting me and I'll zoom out, though I've taken no damage. Yet, it's possible to take damage and not zoom out. I'm willing to bet if you shoot someone straight on (not leading) in Halo PC while they're zoomed in, it'll make them zoom out.
Also, collision on the Reach models is no bigger than it was in Halo 1. If anything it's the auto aim. Compare the collision when betraying. No easier to betray someone in reach than it is in Halo 1.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Evade is definitely win. Its a million times better than Sprint that's for sure, and I love using it on Wraiths. Sorry man but those guys stole both Wraiths and were spawn camping, and I kept telling my team to handle the problem. They couldn't. Hence the title If You Want Something Done Right... :P And for the record those two guys -were- on spree's as you can see, I got two kill joys, and then went on a spree on my own with the second kill :P
Oh I very much approve, they were using the Wraith incorrectly hence why they got fucked up. The Wraith is a support weapon all in all, if you're in the front assaulting the base like that, you're just ASKING to get fucked up. The safety of your Wraith can be almost guaranteed in front of your base or close to midfield depending on how the combat is flowing. Never take a tank head on into combat, that's just stupid. The audacity and bravado of such an act will come back to bite you in the ass, very soon.
I was a titan in the Scorpion, but the Wraith has it's own devastating flavor of combat; I'll gladly hop in either one. :-3
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Evade is definitely win. Its a million times better than Sprint that's for sure, and I love using it on Wraiths. Sorry man but those guys stole both Wraiths and were spawn camping, and I kept telling my team to handle the problem. They couldn't. Hence the title If You Want Something Done Right... :P And for the record those two guys -were- on spree's as you can see, I got two kill joys, and then went on a spree on my own with the second kill :P
Evade and Active Camo are my two most favorite loadouts in Big Team Battle. I use Evade mainly for dodging grenades versus destroying tanks though. I use Active Camo to pick away at whatever infantry is unfortunate enough to be sticking out in the middle of Hemmorhage.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
so many children on bent whining about how OP armor lock is, and when you read their post 9 out of 10 times they ADMIT to standing next to the guy like an idiot waiting for the dude to come out of lock
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Armor lock is amazingly useful when used properly (especially against idiots mentioned above who just sit right beside it and wait), yet is easily countered if you know how to do so. Active Camo is my least favourite of all the abilities, cause I suck ass when trying to use it :/
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
@ pook
Double melee kills are ridiculous; essentially, they're as powerful as the sniper. But, I'm not complaining since I sploit the fuck out of it. Just remember to always have a pistol or a precision weapon with you for the headshot after first contact. I do agree that melees should definitely not be a 2 hit kill, but it's avoidable in most cases.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
Armor lock is amazingly useful when used properly (especially against idiots mentioned above who just sit right beside it and wait), yet is easily countered if you know how to do so. Active Camo is my least favourite of all the abilities, cause I suck ass when trying to use it :/
See, it's backwards for me. I suck using armor lock regularly; I'm only decent with it in Elite Slayer where everyone has a ghost. But I'm very good with active camo under normal conditions.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Armor Lock is my AA of choice in rumble pit and small team playlists; very effective offensively against melee-focused enemies (read: the majority). It makes me happy when some melee-crazed dolt pops his shields on my EMP and eats my fist as a result, especially when said victim is using the sword. It's also funny how anyone in armor lock suddenly becomes the center of attention, as most people obsess over timing their grenade spam just right to kill the person as they come out of it, even funnier when they just spam constantly, taking wild guesses as to whether or not they'll break it early (in my case, I usually don't).
Also, Armor Lock is the only armor ability you should be using in Elite Slayer since 90% of the time, your opponents will be obsessed with point-blank sticky kills and plasma combos. In fact, just for that reason, Big Team Elite Slayer on Countdown is the definition of awesome. While you'd think that high-damage grenades being spammed all over claustrophobic hallways would be a problem, proper use of Armor Lock makes that problem moot. Bonus points if you manage to repel a grenade stuck to you right back at the person that threw it.
It's as overpowered as it is useless, though. While locking to postpone your death in hopes that your team is nearby and coming to the rescue is a valid tactic and works if your team is coordinated, there's a good chance they aren't; in the meantime, the rest of the enemy team are staring you down and readying their DMRs for a firing squad execution. If your connection is lagging, you'll see many bullshit deaths where you somehow get blown up or impaled while locked. Shotguns and hammers WILL trump you unless the person wielding can't aim, since it seems their firing rates are quicker than the time it takes to break out, throw a punch, and lock back up.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
i have a love hate relationship with armor lock. i see where it is incredibly useful, especially in elite slayer with ghosts zooming around (holy shit, first time some guy ran into me i laughed my ass off), but more often then not people just use it to prolong their lives a few seconds. the biggest load of bullshit though is when a vaguely coordinated team holds down the hallways on sword base with armor lock. one person pops armor lock, then another, then the first person again, then a third person gets involved with grenade and melee spam, and then a 4th does a triple back flip off of a chandelier and swipes a big Z across your chest with an energy sword.
i mean, you can fairly justify that with "i am prepared with a coordinated team", but the issue is that you dont even need to be good at the game to defeat people like that. it doesnt even have to be the whole team either. just two people can easily fuck up an entire enemy team's day using this tactic. its only ever really been an issue on sword base though, right where that lift on the side opposite the sniper is.
as a one-man AA, armor lock is pretty cool. one on one, its not OP at all imo. usually people use it right when theyre about to die, so its never much of a threat. the only time iv ever had an issue is when a guy ran up to me, used his lock just as i hit him, got out of lock, meleed me, then went back into lock, got out, and threw grenades. he then proceeded to teabag me.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
with AL the only times i heavily use it are in like team slayer matches where the other team seems to not know they have a loaded gun on them
i mean we've all been there right? enemy sees you, but intsead of shooting he throws grenade he has and whatever he ends upp picking up off the floor