Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
*severe face palm*
Of course you don't see any of rebuttals as intelligent; we have nearly opposite views on game. Just because I don't use fancy words and shit to explain my opinion doesn't make the point of my opinions any more dynamic if I had used any other SAT-leveled synonym. I just happen to agree on most of what Bungie does with the game this go around. IF you wanted to hear me complain, you should've heard me back in the Halo 3 days.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
halo PC still had auto aim, even with the leading. your cone of auto-aim still persists. you're not leading your shots themselves as much as you are your cone of effectiveness. Xbox LAN had lag too (roughly 20 ms, enough to be noticeable), and required leading. I was playing splitscreen...are you saying that the netcode affects the game run on a single console as well? Play Xbox Connect and you'll see what I'm talking about. It wasn't because of the game mechanics as much as it was a side effect of poor networking on Bungie's part. the only reason you had to lead was because of the stupid half-assed netcode.
As far as mechanics... the sniper in Halo 1 had so much more auto-aim than in any other Halo game. the 2X scope made it easier to hit targets from mid-range, and the range was much further. faster rate of fire, no kickback. Oh, and you didn't zoom out when you got shot. wat. Just played the game yesterday; I zoomed out when I got shot. That's been a staple of the game since the beginning...probably a glitch in your system. they changed it to a 5X scope and gave it kickback for balance because it tightens the auto-aim cone and makes it less of a spammable mid-range weapon and more of a long-range "I have to pace my shots to be accurate" weapon. I can't remember whether it was PC or XBOX, but one of the Halo 1 sniper rifles has 5x/10x instead of 2x/8x.
The sniper does NOT dominate matches. You can hold back snipers with the DMR, since it unscopes them when they're hit. all you have to do is use some team tactics to close the gap and they're fucked. there's always a way to counter a sniper.I have yet to be effectively countered while using a sniper short of getting mobbed by half of the enemy team or shot with a rocket...hardly efficient or readily available counters in my opinion.
Replies in bold.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
I was playing splitscreen...are you saying that the netcode affects the game run on a single console as well?
I'm not that stupid. Of course it doesn't affect split screen. Most people who play Halo 1 usually do it over college lans or at lan parties
Either way, The velocity across BG is very little. I just checked the sniper on BG in PC, one or two frames max was how long it took for the sniper to hit across the map, it's not a significant ammount. don't know how it'd affect gameplay
wat. Just played the game yesterday; I zoomed out when I got shot. That's been a staple of the game since the beginning...probably a glitch in your system
Halo PC's zoom out is inconsistent. Sometimes you'll take damage and stay zoomed in, as we've determined a page back
I can't remember whether it was PC or XBOX, but one of the Halo 1 sniper rifles has 5x/10x instead of 2x/8x.
Checked. PC and Xbox have different zooms. Just checked the PC, 2x/8x, and is the xbox, 2x/10x zoom
I have yet to be effectively countered while using a sniper short of getting mobbed by half of the enemy team or shot with a rocket...hardly efficient or readily available counters in my opinion.
wait until trueskill kicks in... trust me
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Regardless of how many frames you had to, lead time is still lead time (non-existent in Reach). Also, do we know what Reach hitboxes look like? I don't have much of a problem with Sniper magnetism in Reach, it just seems like I can shoot over or next to the guy's head and he still dies...I'm calling BS because I sucked ass with the sniper rifle in Halo 2 and 3 multiplayer.
As I said earlier in this thread, you can't compare Halo PC to Halo Reach. At all. The lag is sufficient that it changes gameplay considerably, the keyboard/mouse are far superior input devices, and then the tweaked weapon performance all change it. Comparing the first game on console to Reach is the only valid comparison you can make; apples to apples, the sniper rifle was generally harder to use in the first game...actually, even the pistol required you to lead your shots on a single-system match, but the new one is harder to use because of bloom, less power, and smaller magazine.
I'm not saying Reach is shit, I just have to wonder if when they playtest this game they are doing so with rose-tinted lenses.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
I think Bungie would definitely say they made the sniper more accessible. They're making a game, after all, and it's no good for the majority of players if there is a weapon specifically designed so that they can't use it effectively. By definition, when you say a weapon requires skill you mean more skill than the average person has.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Just hit Lt. Colonel and got the Mark V helmet.
... I can't tell if all that time was worth spending. :|
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
never going to hit captain.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
never going to hit captain.
If this is your gamertag then you've only got 7k left, easily obtainable with todays challenges mixed with the weekly challenge.
Re: Halo: Reach Discussion
Originally Posted by
t3h m00kz
never going to hit captain.
Play lot's of grunts and do the daily challenges and you will become a Captain.